End to End Functional Testing

Posted By : Prajwal Tiwari | 31-Oct-2022

E2E Functional Testing: What Is It?


At the protocol level, evaluation happens most routinely. To test internet speed, Apache Jquery, for example, can execute a GET response to a certain URL endpoints. The drawback with this method is that it really doesn't portray the customer journey because Js execution time, HTML/CSS rendering time, and many other factors all have a big impact on the results.


The Best Practices to Use:-

  • To make end-to-end performance analysis as relevant as possible, there are a few general rules to put into consideration.
  • Start with the most well-liked production process. For instance, adding items to a cart and checking out should be covered in an ecommerce application benchmarking tool.
  • Keep in mind high-risk workflows. Even if a procedure doesn't see a lot of traffic, errors can be rather pricey. conform to a wish-list component in e-commerce apps, which may not be oftenly used but may have a high rating.
  • Create realistic tests. Tests should keep in mind true "think times" because the mass of web users do not instantaneously navigate between workflow pieces. Consider lengthening the period of time between a person seeing a company website and purchasing a product to their cart.


The platform can enhance performance tests in a number of ways:-

  • Record and Playback: By using the InstaPlay recorder, you can shorten the time it takes to create and maintain performance tests. Performance tests can be created and maintained by anyone because no coding or correlation is needed.
  • Web-based evaluations: To acquire the most accurate view of performance at the browser level, create realistic loads using tens of thousands of cloud-based browsers from various parts of the world.
  • Diagnostics: Examine performance information from the UI and API levels, such as step times, resources the browser processes, asynchronous calls, and associated navigation timings. Even a machine-learning assistant is available on the platform to assist in identifying irregularities.
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Prajwal Tiwari

Prajwal is an outstanding QA Engineer with a wealth of industry experience. His expertise and in-depth knowledge of the latest technologies are truly remarkable. Prajwal has acquired extensive hands-on experience in diverse testing domains, such as Manual Testing, Performance Testing, API Testing, and Functional Testing. He has made significant contributions to various projects, including the Oodles Dashboard project. Prajwal's creative thinking and exceptional analytical skills set him apart in his field. He takes great pleasure in reading and exploring emerging technologies, further expanding his knowledge and staying up to date with industry advancements.

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