FFmpeg Live Video Service
Refuel your web and mobile applications with real-time video streaming capabilities with FFmpeg Live Video Service from Oodles Technologies. We offer an exclusive range of FFmpeg integration solutions that are designed to support all kinds of media handling operations.
Importance of FFmpeg Live Video Service
FFmpeg is an all-in multimedia framework that provides media handling capabilities to the web and mobile applications. It’s an open-source tool that makes use of makes use of command-line instructions to accomplish specific media handling tasks like encoding/decoding, muxing/demuxing, transcoding, streaming, filtering and audio/video conversions. Apart from that, FFmpeg supports all major operating systems like Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
At its core, FFmpeg can be considered as a collection of programming functions and multimedia libraries that allow developers to perform all sorts of multimedia operations on the provided data. Apart from that, it makes use of the prime multimedia codec named ‘Libavcodec.’ Thus, it is capable of rendering full support to a plenty of media formats. Other than that, another codec that it uses is ‘Libavformat,’ it’s a muxing/demuxing library.
- Libavcodec- It is an audio/video codec library used by free software and commercial products and applications.
- Libavformat- Lavf is primarily used for muxing and demuxing all the major audio/video formats.
- Core FFmpeg command line tools and Programs- They altogether help in performing transcoding of the multimedia files.

Oodles Technologies is a leading Video Streaming Company that excels in FFmpeg Live Video Streaming Solutions. With an extensive experience in building top-of-the-line video streaming applications for web and mobile platforms, we strive to deliver value for money. Apart from FFmpeg, we also have our expertise in
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