UnderStanding Resolver In Angular 8

Posted By : Bhuvan Chawla | 30-Apr-2020

An Every important thing is in  Angular, the resolver is also a class. In fact, Resolver is a service that has been [provided] in the root module.



Understanding the need of resolver so let gets started



How routes normally work

  1. The user clicks on the respective link.
  2. Angular loads the component based on routes.


How Routing flow run with Resolver


  1. When a user clicks on the set routes button
  2. Angular execute certain parts of the code and returns a value or observable.
  3. You can collect the returned value or as an observable in a constructor or in ngOnInit,or as per your suggested life cycle hook in the class of your component which is to load.
  4. Use the data in your component or pass to another service where you want to you can use this data.
  5. Now you can load your component.


In meanwhile resolver is that midway code, which can be u executed when a routes link has been clicked and before a component is loaded they provide data before loading the component when you need a specif data before loading the component so you can use resolver.


So lets see  How to implement resolver in angular code


1. Creating a service the name of the service is resolver_test

2. Import “Resolve” interface from ‘@angular/router’.

3.Implement the rosolver with given class

4.Override resolve() method

5.Resolver method should have 2 parameter first is routesnapshot and the one more is statesnapshot



import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { Resolve,ActivatedRouteSnapshot,RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router';

import {Http} from '@angular/http';


providedIn: 'root'


export class Resolver implements Resolve<any>{


constructor() { }

resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {

console.log('printing the collected route parameter',route.params['name'])

return this.http.get('http://xyz.com')




In above we are getting the value from params using this rosolve class you can see we implemented this with the class and the provide me the method for calling in another service file

Defining the resolver in routing file 



Import {Resolver} from './resolver.service';





DataObj:Resolver.  ----> DataObj is the key in the object they hold the value 



providers:[Resolver].   -----> now the service has been added in the provider



Now Call the ActivatedRoute in Component in constructor 


Constructor(private currentRoute:ActivatedRoute){

this.currentRoute.data.map(data => data.DataObj,json()).subscribe((res)=>{




Console.log('using component while resolver')




Please check your console to get the value  ----> So Now The Resolver is used in Angular App

About Author

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Bhuvan Chawla

Bhuvan Chawla is working as Front-End developer, having good knowledge of Angular 7, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap.JavaScript

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