ReactJS server side rendering

Posted By : Ravi Kumar Prajapat | 29-Jul-2022

What is a Server-Side Offer?

Providing the server side with JavaScript libraries such as React is where the server returns the page that is ready to render the HTML page and the JS text needed to make the page work. HTML is rendered instantly with all the default features. In the meantime, the browser downloads and uses the JS code after which the page interacts. The interaction on this page is now hosted on a client-side browser. With new content or new data, the browser sends the request to the server via APIs and only the required new information is downloaded.

What are the pros and cons of a responsive SSR?

To determine if you have used the Server side provision in React.js, let's take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of SSR.

Fast loading of the web page as it is ready to display HTML is provided in the browser.
Good user experience even if the user has a bad connection, outdated device or JavaScript is disabled in the browser because all basic content is ready to be rendered.
Web page content is displayed faster which leads to better SEO.
A good choice for static pages as the server side loading of content loads quickly and efficiently.
SSR requires additional resources and can be expensive as all processing is done on a server.
In complex applications, a high number of server requests can slow down the site.
Increased load by many users can lead to goals.
Setting up an SSR can be difficult and tedious.

Impact of SSR on SEO and Performance

Today we know that the provision of the server side is important in driving traffic to web pages. Currently, most search engines outside of Google are not enough to provide pages before being listed. Even with Google, there are problems with navigating sites that have a client side.

In providing the server side, all the necessary SEO features are available in the first response. Additionally, web pages provided on the server side have very accurate indexes as browsers prioritize loading pages.

In social media, linking to websites with a server-side provision is better for proper representation of the title and icon of the site.

When it comes to performance, there are three key factors to consider:

1. TFB (Time to First Byte) - the amount of time between a clicked link and the first content received.

2. FCP (Satisfactory First Paint) - the time at which some of the requested content is provided.

3. TTI (Time To Interactive) - the time at which a page interacts.

TTFB can be more with a server side provision as a fully translated HTML page is sent to the browser, but FCP is much faster which contributes to improved functionality and user friendliness. TTI can depend on the complexity of the web page and how many texts are required to use it. Many pages have intermediate level interactions that lead to lower TTI when given server side.

What is required in place to use SSR?

The first and foremost requirement for a server side provision is to have a working space that can run a web server and handle events.

Node.js is one of the most popular SSR setting for React application and Express is a great way to create an HTTP server. Next, we need a JavaScript compiler like Babel and a bundle of JS modules like Webpack, Rollup or similar tool.

About Author

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Ravi Kumar Prajapat

Ravi is a highly skilled Frontend Developer with extensive industry experience. He has played a crucial role in the successful development of notable projects such as Oodles Dashboard, Oodles Communication Module, and Oodles Careers. Ravi possesses a strong expertise in HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bootstrap5, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Axios, WebRTC, WebSocket, Git, Angular 10+, TypeScript, and RxJS, enabling him to consistently deliver top-quality solutions for his clients. His exceptional performance and significant contributions have earned him the prestigious Star of the Quarter award. He is known for his excellent communication skills, facilitating effective collaboration with cross-functional teams and ensuring timely project delivery. Committed to excellence, he continuously seeks growth opportunities. With his passion for learning and dedication to his work, he is poised to make a positive impact on any project he undertakes.

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