Managing multiple Node.js versions

Posted By : Karun Agarwal | 30-Sep-2021

As a developer, I often find myself working on different Node.js projects and at times they use different Node.js versions.


And, here comes the problem, how to manage different versions of node.js in your development environment?


Seeking some solutions through google, I met "nvm" i.e., "Node Version Manager". I will take you through steps to set up a node.js development environment using nvm and switching between versions.


1) Installing nvm


 wget -qO- | bash


For changes to reflect, please close the terminal and open it again.


Now suppose, you are working on two projects, one of which uses Node.js v12 and another uses Node.js v14. 


2) Install node.js v12 and node.js v14


 nvm install 12

 nvm install 14


Suppose you also want to set v12 as the default version, 


3) Set v12 as the default version


 nvm alias default 12


Please close the terminal and reopen it for changes to reflect.


And you are done.


Now, every time you open the terminal, the default node.js version of the environment will be v12. Suppose you are looking to use v14 though,


4) Switch to node.js v14


 nvm use 14


After running this, the node.js version for that terminal session will become 14. Once you close the terminal and re-open, the environment will again be using v12 and you can re-run the above command to switch to v14 again.


Suppose you no more use node.js v12 and want to remove it.


5) Remove node.js v12


 nvm uninstall 12


Thanks for reading the blog, hope you found the information useful.


About Author

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Karun Agarwal

Karun is an avid and quick learner. He is a startup enthusiast who is quite passionate about technology and finance and loves working on the intersection of both. His hobbies include cooking, listening music, reading books, etc.

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