Everything You Need To Know About jQuery Traversing

Posted By : Ekta Bhadauriya | 29-Apr-2021

We can use Query traversing to find or select HTML elements based on their relation to other elements by choosing one selection and move through that selection until you reach the elements you desire.

The image is given below shows a DOM tree with traversing, you can move up, down, and sideways in the tree, starting from the selected element. 

jQuery Traversing - Ancestors

The ancestor could be a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent and to find an ancestor you can use three jQuery methods for traversing up the DOM tree which are:

  1. parent()
  2. parents()
  3. parentsUntil()

jQuery parent() Method

Returns only direct parent element of the selected element since it traverses a single level up in the DOM tree.
In the following example the method returns  the direct parent element of each <span> elements:


jQuery parents() Method

jQuery parents() method returns all ancestor elements of the selected element up to the document's root element (<html>).

In the following example the method returns  all ancestors of all <span> elements:


You can use an optional parameter to search for ancestors.

In the following example the method returns  all ancestors of all <span> elements that are <ul> elements:


jQuery parentsUntil() Method

jQuery parentsUntil() Method  returns all the ancestor elements between two given elements.

In the following example the method returns  all ancestor elements between a <span> and a <div> element:


jQuery Traversing - Descendants

You can use two jQuery methods for traversing down the DOM tree are:

  1. children()
  2. find()

jQuery children() Method

Returns all direct children of the selected element by moving to a single level down in the DOM tree. 

In the following example the method returns  all elements that are direct children of each <div> elements:


You can use an optional parameter to find the search for children.

In the following example the method returns all <div> elements with the class name "box", that are direct children of <div>:


jQuery find() Method

The find() method returns all the descendant elements of the selected element till the last descendant.

In the following example the method returns all <span> elements that are descendants of <div>:


In the following example the method returns all descendants of <div>:




About Author

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Ekta Bhadauriya

Ekta stands out as a highly accomplished Frontend Developer, specializing in Angular technology. In addition to her mastery of Angular, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of various programming languages and tools, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AMP, and Git. Ekta has made significant and noteworthy contributions to several internal projects, such as the Oodles Dashboard, Careers Frontend, and Oodles.com. Her expertise and skills have played a pivotal role in the success of these projects.

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