How to access DOM element in Angular

Posted By : Ekta Bhadauriya | 19-Jan-2021

@ViewChild  and  @ViewChildren


To access and manipulate DOM elements, directives, and components in Angular, we have the @ViewChild and the @ViewChildren decorators.


ViewChild is used to query one element from the DOM whereas for multiple elements we use ViewChildren.

The property decorator configures a view query while to look for the element or directive which matches first in the selector in the view DOM, we have the Change Detector. The property gets updated when the view DOM changes and the new child matches the selector.

Also Read: Overview Of Angular version 10


The decorator takes the following information:

selector - The selector of the element to query can be a directive type or a name.
read - Read a different token from queried elements.
static - To indicate whether or not to resolve query results before change detection runs., we have static. It is a new thing in Angular 8.


ViewChild can take the following selectors:

Classes with @Component or @Directive decorators that is components and directives,
Template reference variables,

For eg, AppComponent needs a reference of the <app-color-sample> component which AppComponent uses inside its template, in order to call a method directly on it.

<app-color-sample [color]="primary" #primaryColorSample></app-color-sample>

First, we imported ViewChild and AfterViewInit from the @angular/corepackage:

import { Component, ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';

then, create a query called primarySampleComponent that takes ColorSampleComponent as the selector and has static equals to false:

@ViewChild(ColorSampleComponent, {static: false}) primarySampleComponent: ColorSampleComponent;

The value of the injected member variable is not immediately available at component construction time!

Angular will fill in this property after the view initialization is completed automatically.


Also Read: Angular Components And Their Working Methodologies


The AfterViewInit Lifecycle Hook

If there is a need to write initialization code of the component which uses the references injected by @ViewChild, do it inside the AfterViewInit lifecycle hook.

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html'

@ViewChild(ColorSampleComponent) primarySampleComponent: ColorSampleComponent;

ngAfterViewInit() {
console.log("primaryColorSample:", this.primarySampleComponent);



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About Author

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Ekta Bhadauriya

Ekta stands out as a highly accomplished Frontend Developer, specializing in Angular technology. In addition to her mastery of Angular, she possesses a comprehensive understanding of various programming languages and tools, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AMP, and Git. Ekta has made significant and noteworthy contributions to several internal projects, such as the Oodles Dashboard, Careers Frontend, and Her expertise and skills have played a pivotal role in the success of these projects.

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