How To Install Jenkins On Ubuntu

Posted By : Sandeep Rathor | 14-Sep-2017


So our first question starts from what is Jenkins and why do we need this? Jenkins is an automation server forked from the Hudson project. Jenkins is a most trustable tool for testers in continuous integration because you can perform your tasks and jobs efficiently without facing any issues. It provides better a deployment solution in large applications and softwares. Jenkins created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi, first released in 2011 under MIT License, and it's free software.



So basically Jenkins is open source application which is written in Java language. It monitored your repetitive task and jobs such as project building and save your time when you are performing integration testing because if you are working on a large project so it allows you to design test and reports over isolate changes in real time. Jenkins make easy your continues deployment and make your deployment non-issue and give a boost to your development.



In this article, we will learn how to install Jenkins on your Ubuntu



1. First of all, update your system 


sandeep@sandeep:~$ sudo apt-get update



2. Jenkins needs a basic web server to run,  so install the nginx 


sandeep@sandeep:~$ sudo apt-get install nginx 

sandeep@sandeep:~$   service nginx status

#Now nginx is running



3.  Install Jdk  


sandeep@sandeep:~$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

you can check about java 

sandeep@sandeep:~$ java -version



4. Now install Jenkins by using below commands and following instructions 


sandeep@sandeep:~$ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

press OK

sandeep@sandeep:~$ sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sandeep@sandeep:~$ sudo apt-get update
sandeep@sandeep:~$ sudo apt-get install jenkins



5.  Now got root folder 


sandeep@sandeep:~/Tools/Jenkins$ sudo su 

now type this command 

root@sandeep:/home/sandeep/Tools/Jenkins# cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

this will give you a password whenever you are going to open the GUI of Jenkins 




6. Now i am sharing some images so that it will make you more clear over this.




Click on continue button after entering the password 




Install your plugins according to your requirements




Create your own user credentials and click on save and finish button





Now your Jenkins is ready for use and manage your security of Jenkins according to you 




Now your Jenkins is ready for use, create your own tasks and jobs and perform continuous deployement without facing any issues 




About Author

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Sandeep Rathor

Sandeep is an experienced QA Engineer with skills in Manual testing, Automation Testing and Performance Testing over both Mobile and Web Application

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