Url Scheme in Swift

Posted By : Nitin Bhatt | 17-May-2016

Url Scheme : -


URL scheme allow users to open your app from other apps


Here is the steps to add customize URL schemes in iOS app : -


The first step is to create a custom URL scheme  start by locating and clicking on the info.plist in the Xcode Project .


Right click on the list and select Add Row, select URL types.



Expand URL types you will see item 0, expand item 0 you will see URL identifier , then write your app identifier



Expand URL Schemes you will see item 0 , in item 0 write down the string which you want to use to open your app, In this example i have used myapp



Open Safari browser in iPhone , then type myapp://




Another way to add customize URL schemes in iOS app : -





About Author

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Nitin Bhatt

Nitin is an Assistant Project Manager specializing in iOS Application Development. He is an avid reader.

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