Run PHP on Tomcat Server

Posted By : Shakil Pathan | 30-Sep-2014

PHP on Tomcat Serevr


In this blog I am going to explain you how to run php on tomcat server. For running php scripts you have to install php on your machine.

First you have to download PHP/JAVA Bridge templetate war file form the below link:

Then deploy the war file into tomcat webapps folder and start the server.

It will create a directory in webapps named as the war file name. Then you can put your php scripts or php project into that directory and restart the tomcat server.

Please note that the mod_rewrite(apache module) should not work in this case and .htaccess file is not usable.

Hope it helps!!



About Author

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Shakil Pathan

Shakil is an experienced Groovy and Grails developer . He has also worked extensively on developing STB applications using NetGem .

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