Regression Testing And Its Top Three Benefits

Posted By : Pratyush Kumar Singh | 29-Dec-2018

Introduction: Businesses face fierce competition and dynamical user demands. To bypass the competition and to fulfill user expectations, the companies ought to add new functionalities within the existing software. moreover, the companies ought to enhance and improve the functionality of the software on a current basis to assure their customers have the most effective resolution all the time and also the business gets steady revenues. in this kind of business model, regression testing is one amongst the foremost vital forms of software testing and the business should use the most effective regression testing services to assure the software is bug-free and meets user expectations and also the very best quality standards.


What is Regression Testing?

It is a kind of software testing method to assure that the modification within the code of one feature/module has not adversely affected the other feature/module of the system.

In regression testing, the software testing professional can run all or selective test cases from the already executed test cases to retest identical functionality. Regression testing ought to be performed whenever there's a major or a minor code modification within the code.

There are 4 different types of regression testing

  1. Selective Strategy
  2. Retest all Strategy
  3. Corrective Regression Testing
  4. Progressive Regression Testing

Top 3 benefits of regression testing

Now, as you perceive the idea of regression testing, let’s find out about the top three advantages of the most effective regression testing service:

1. Enhance test coverage in less time and efforts

A complete software testing method needs significant time and resources. the requirement for testing every module for required quality can't be neglected. The regression testing performed by the most effective testing engineers can offer inflated reach among limited time and efforts, so you'll be able to save time and resources.

2. Maintain high quality of the software

Even a minor bug within the solution will reduce the trust of your users and it's very tough to gain it back. the various modules of the software are interconnected in various ways. Thus, it's vital to check the functionality of various modules while the developers make any modification within the code. the most effective regression testing service can assure that every feature of the software is functioning as per the expectations and also the overall quality of the software is absolutely best.

3. Find bugs early and resolve it

The regression testing can determine problematic areas throughout the early stages of development or code changes. this can help in removing the bugs that are more probably to occur repetitively. this can save plenty of time, money and resources.

Conclusion: The regression testing needs to be an integral part of the software development process in your business. Also, you need to use the most effective regression testing services as this kind of software testing requires expertise and experience.

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Pratyush Kumar Singh

Pratyush is a bright QA Engineer with skills in Manual Testing and always eager to learn. He has good ability to solve the problems and provide solutions.

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