Node.js For Web Application Development

Posted By : Kiran Bisht | 28-Jul-2015


The rapid extension in the use of Node.js has made many developers to use it. Famous website applications are using and prefer Node.js. So what are the reasons that make Node.js the most profound tool for web applications?


Before we begin talking why websites prefer this very technology, we should talk a little about it. Node.js is built on JavaScript run-time. All the applications that are developed using Node are written in JavaScript. It’s an open source and a cross-platform runtime environment that provides an event-driven architecture. Furthermore, it provides a non-blocking I/O API which is used to optimize applications’ throughput and scalability.



Particularly, Node.js is a preferred platform for data-intensive real-time apps and for the websites that might receive a large number of visitors or users. The inbuilt library allows apps to work as a web server. Node.js uses JavaScript and modules and enables to create web servers and networking tools as well. And the applications built on it can run of multiple servers such as Microsoft Windows, Unix, and Mac OS X.



Node.js For Web Application Development



Number 1- Speedy


JavaScript execution is quick, so scalable and fast network apps can be built using it. The single threaded model with event loop is very much useful and enables managing multiple client requests. It’s one of the significant benefits of building apps using node.js. Since there is event loop already present in Node.js, there is no need to create more threads, even if the app receives multiple simultaneous client requests. As a result, the app uses less memory.



Number 2 - Data Synchronization


Data transfer between the client and the server occurs at a rapid rate for Node.js allows writing JavaScript on client as well as server.



Number 3 - Node.js Streams


Node.js is nonsynchronous and even-driven, dealing with I/O bound activities are very good. Streams are UNIX pipes which allows easy data reading from the source, and send the data to its destination.


Number 4 - Perfect For Real-Time Apps


If you want to build real-time apps like chat, then Node.js is the one you need. This is the platform that is used in game development. Non-blocking driven server and event based server are excellent if the web application is expected to manage a large number of real-time users. Some of the web applications that are built using Node.js are Yahoo, PayPal, LinkedIn, and so on.



Number 5 - Encouraged Sharing


It is absolutely fine to share packages of library code. If a developer faces any issue, the NPM (Node Package Manager), with its archive of 50,000 packages, helps the developer solve the issue. Therefore, reusing, sharing, and updating code is an easier task.





Node.js is an excellent platform for web applications. Always choose a reliable and experienced Node.js development Company.  

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Kiran Bisht

Kiran Bisht is a Blogger and a Web Content Writer. She's a landscape photographer and a travel aficionado who loves traveling to the great Himalayas.

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