Is Cloud Technology in App Development Worth It

Posted By : Asha Devi | 13-Aug-2018

As the cloud computing benefits are realized more day by day, a quick turn towards developing applications on the cloud is the need of the day.


Interestingly, Cloud is addressing the challenges of the traditional app developers like project feasibility, technology, manpower, cost, and time. Furthermore, the businesses are getting benefited with their apps on clouds.


Let’s see how.


Cloud Technology in App Development

A secular move towards cloud in any of the organization today is the go. Cloud technology is resonating at a faster rate owing to its continuous and advantageous adoption.


In this lane, we witness a revolution in the app development field too. It is making the app developers job easy for developing the enterprise-grade applications on the cloud. Evidently, this has led to the need for integration of cloud infrastructure by the app development companies as more businesses are turning towards it.


Let us understand the importance of cloud technology in apps development, the needed change in the existing business and IT culture for creating the required and enhanced mobile applications.   


Understanding Cloud Technology in the App Development World:


When apps are developed in the cloud, it comes with several advantages. A few of them are enlisted below.



Businesses today are not at all limited to the systems or the hardware to operate an app. They are in need of apps that are faster in responsiveness, accessible from anywhere and anytime around the world. Cloud has the best answer for it when the applications are built on its platform.



When a cloud is deployed for apps development, the accessibility becomes faster due to the redundancy. Moreover, they could be tested faster and the businesses can use them in lesser time in real-time.



As all the servers are present in the cloud environment, the businesses may utilize the appropriate resources without any additional installation. A single click, required bandwidth, allocation of resources could be increased as and when required.



The cloud service providers charge only for the resources used. There is no cost for maintenance of the data centers or the servers. And also the businesses may cut down the cost for physical infrastructure. In brief, developing applications in the cloud is affordable.



As the app uses all the features of the cloud platform, it forms a completely integrated app, and also the performance is much better as compared to the apps on the traditional platform. Security forms an integral part of the development rather than looking for it after development.


New functionalities:

The much needed social networking features, geolocation, and other features could be utilized by the app developers working on the most popular Operating systems like the Android and iOS.  



The businesses are able to deliver their services round the clock for their clients giving the edge over the competitors. It excels in uptime when compared with the use of traditional hosting solutions and on-site applications.


Moving further, let’s get into the advanced features of the Apps. An app built over cloud may be rightly referred to as an evolved app. Though it is utilized to access online services over the Internet, it could be customized for web-interface too.


Advanced Features of the Apps Developed in Cloud:


  • The data is stored in the cloud infrastructure
  • The data could be cached locally and worked on offline mode
  • It supports security, backup schedule, and data compression
  • Used on the web browser and the Internet-connected devices [mobiles, desktops, etc]
  • Access to services like storage, platforms, and, on-demand computing cycle


Understanding the Cultural Shift:


Though the Cloud app development is agile, affordable, reduce the complexity in app development and time to market, there is a need for keeping pace with the evolving cloud trends.


The cloud computing environment is entirely different from the traditional method in terms of deployment, configuration, running, and management.


In case of the cloud environment, the components may be scattered in many clouds when deployed in modules, the requirement of multi-tenancy support, dynamic user base, vendor-specific cloud API and tools, and, many more.


These facts must be aptly utilized during the apps development and its usage.




It is a welcoming task that the enterprises are adopting cloud-based applications. Still, the business processes that are supported by the cloud-based applications may have to anticipate the interaction with multiple cloud service providers, cope with the service features, security, compliance, and, the regulatory requirements.  


As a final note, adoption of cloud technology in app development is indeed worth it.

About Author

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Asha Devi

Asha is a certified Content Marketing Professional and a passionate writer. She loves to create content that cuts through the noise, connect the business with audience, increase brand awareness, site traffic and sales.

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