How are DevOps transforming the levels of security

Posted By : Priyansha Sinha | 13-Aug-2018

DevOps for Security

A lot has been said about how DevOps is changing the game for cybersecurity. The model drives digital transformation and hassle-free delivery of latest software and services and replaces the traditional approach by emphasizing speed, integrated tools, and cross-functional workflows. Essentially, DevOps portrays a cultural depiction in which development and deployment of software take place at an extremely accelerated pace. However, certainly there exists a moderate traction between the objectives of both the frameworks and achieving their digital targets that are not supposed to be a zero-sum game. In fact, what’s required is a system that consolidates the demand for fast CI/CD with the help of cloud security policies and controls so that the resources and information could function effectively and securely.


Fortunately, DevOps provides a major solution to the cybersecurity team. It encourages them to embody DevOps principles in their own workflows and techniques. Here are three major reasons why amalgamating these practices will transform the levels of security.


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Cybersecurity must welcome the latest automated auditing and testing tools in almost every channel and embrace them wherever possible. Plenty of software organizations are generating tens of hundreds of applications on a daily basis. Banking on traditional and manual processes makes it very difficult for cybersecurity and safety to keep up.


Instead, security tests should be carried out and triggered automatically with every possible shift in levels or as new vulnerabilities are tracked down. Moreover, continuous software and service delivery require a continuous security safeguard and controls.


In-Built Security

Security testing needs to reside wherever developers live, fundamentally in the DevOps pipeline. It is very critical to customize security procedures to the developer and not vice-versa.


This verifies and assures that security is not a later-thought step during application development and the developers could never hamper their continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems for the purpose of mandatory quality assurance testing. Integrating security into the elements of DevOps is a massive win-win situation for the cybersecurity effectiveness.


Proactive Prevention

Given a chance, cybersecurity managers would rather prefer giving a major time in their schedule to implement higher-value security programs in order to improve risk management and support compliance.

As per studies, proactively recognizing and filling the gap of vulnerabilities during the development stage saves time and money by approximately 85% as compared to the remedies given in the production of new software.


Also Read The Real facts about Cybersecurity in realm of IOT


In order to reduce security costs and accelerating DevOps, consider incorporating these practices into your software development so as to eliminate the blind spots and transform your strategies to the best. What are your thoughts about it? Let us know by writing down in the comment section below.

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Priyansha Sinha

Priyansha is a Content Developer and Writer with almost 2 years of experience. Besides, she is a trained vocalist and pianist with an enormous love for photography.

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