How To Use Interval and Duration Classes of Joda Library

Posted By : Pradeep Singh Kushwah | 06-May-2018

In this blog, I am going to tell you how we can use Interval, Period, Duration classes These classes are very helpful for me to find out duration, months, overlaps interval and much more but you can use these classes for many other things.


Interval: An interval represents a duration of time between two-instants. Interval class is the basic implementation of an immutable interval of time. The start is always lessthen or equal to end instant. Intervals are exclusive of the end instant and inclusive of the start. Interval is thread-safe and immutable.


So we start with this class.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
DateTime startTime = formatter.parseDateTime("20/01/2018 00:00");
DateTime endTime = formatter.parseDateTime("23/01/2018 00:00");
Interval? interval = new Interval(startTime, endTime);    //This will create the Object of Interval


After that try these methods of Interval using System out like this


        System.out.println("Interval  :-" + interval);
        System.out.println("StartTime   :-" + interval.getStart());
        System.out.println("EndTime     :-" + interval.getEnd());

        System.out.println("no of Days    :-" + interval.toDuration().getStandardDays());
        System.out.println("no of Hours   :-" + interval.toDuration().getStandardHours());
        System.out.println("no of Minutes :-" + interval.toDuration().getStandardMinutes());
        System.out.println("no of Seconds :-" + interval.toDuration().getStandardSeconds());

        // Add one more Day to the interval
println("Interval :-" + interval);


Out put will be :


Interval  :- 20-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30/23-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30
StartTime   :- 20-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30
EndTime     :- 23-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30

no of Days    :- 3
no of Hours   :- 72
no of Minutes :- 4320
no of Seconds :- 259200

// Add one more Day to the interval
Interval :- 20-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30/24-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30?


And Try Other Things:


System.out.println("Contain now :"+interval.containsNow());
System.out.println("Contain Date :"+interval.containsNow(formatter.parseDateTime("21/01/2018 03:41")));
DateTime otherStartTime = formatter.parseDateTime("23/01/2018 03:41");
DateTime otherEndTime = formatter.parseDateTime("30/01/2018 00:00");
Interval otherInterval = new Interval(otherStartTime,otherEndTime);
System.out.println("Interval overlaps :"+interval.overlaps(otherInterval));
System.out.println("OverLaped Interval :"+interval.overlap(otherInterval));


The output will be:

Contain now : false
Contain Date : true
Interval overlaps : true
OverLaped Interval : 23-01-2018 03:41:00:000+5:30/24-01-2018 00:00:00:000+5:30

Duration: An  duration specifying a length of time period in milliseconds.A immutable duration is defined by milliseconds which is fixed number. There is no concept of fields, such as days or seconds, as these fields can vary in length.
        Duration intervalDuration = new Duration(startTime, endTime);
        //Or You can use Interval toDuration method like this
        Duration intervalDuration = interval.toDuration();
        System.out.println("interval Duration :-" + duration);
        System.out.println("no of Days    :-" + duration.getStandardDays());
        System.out.println("no of Hours   :-" + duration.getStandardHours());
        System.out.println("no of Minutes :-" + duration.getStandardMinutes());
        System.out.println("no of Seconds :-" + duration.getStandardSeconds());


Output will be:

interval Duration :- PT7689600S
no of Days    :- 4
no of Hours   :- 96
no of Minutes :- 5760
no of Seconds :- 345600


Period:-An time period specifying a set of duration hours,days fields values. A immutable time period is divided into a number of fields, such as hours and seconds.
Which no of fields are supported which is defined in the PeriodType class. The standard period type, which supports months, years, weeks, hours, days, minutes, seconds and
millis.A period is immutable and thread-safe, provided that the PeriodType is as well.All PeriodType classes supplied are immutable and thread-safe.

Period period = new Period(startTime,endTime);
//Or You can use Interval toPeriod method like this
Period period = interval.toPeriod();
System.out.println("interval Period:-" + period);
System.out.println("no of Days    :-" + period.getDays());
System.out.println("no of Hours   :-" + period.getHours());
System.out.println("no of Minutes :-" + period.getMinutes());
System.out.println("no of Seconds :-" + period.getSeconds());


Output will be:

no of Days    :- 4
no of Hours   :- 96
no of Minutes :- 5760
no of Seconds :- 345600

You can Try many other method of these classes Thanks.

About Author

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Pradeep Singh Kushwah

Pradeep is an accomplished Backend Developer with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in various cutting-edge technologies. He specializes in Core Java, Spring-Boot, Optaplanner, Angular, and databases such as MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis, and PostgreSQL. Additionally, he has worked with cloud services like AWS and Google Cloud, and he has experience with monitoring tools such as Datadog and Raygun. Pradeep has honed his skills in API Implementations, Integration, optimization, Webservices, Development Testings, and deployments, code enhancements, and has contributed to company values through his deliverables in various client projects, including Kairos, Slick Payroll, Captionlabs, and FarmQ. He is a creative individual with strong analytical skills and a passion for exploring and learning new technologies.

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