Brief Description About Test Data Management

Posted By : Aarushi Sharma | 29-Apr-2019

Test Data Management

Any data used as an input to test is called test data. Data may be static data such as currencies, country, name, etc. or transaction data. The test team requires the correct combination of static and transaction data sets to test the professional features and scenarios.
Testing data management is the process of ensuring that the test teams have the right amount of accurate quality test data in the right format in the right format, with the right environment at the right time for testing.

Challenges in TDM

1. Clear data requirements with quantity specifications are neither collected nor documented during the testing requirements phase.
2. The test team may require testing data from the development team, which is usually engaged in any other priority task.
3. Data can be available in large quantities from a production dump, which may be unsuitable for business scenarios that have to be tested
4. There are no suitable tools to manage a large amount of test data.

What are the features of Test Data Management tools:

Test Data Management Tools manage test data which will be used by the testing team. These TDM tools help in the implementation of test data management process. The main features of the test data management tool are:

1.Data discovery and classification
The TDM tool automates the identification of sensitive data and categorizes sensitive data in the database.

2.Self-service data warehouse
TDM usually provides the tester with the data warehouse to store, share, and reuse the test data to improve the efficiency of the test.

3.Providing data subset
They also provide a small dataset based on the test plan requirements.

Advantages of TDM:

1. An optimal level of data coverage is achieved by employing TDM approaches.

2. Test data requirements are effectively handled by the testing team so that version-controlled data requirements can be kept. It also helps with data traceability and replication.



Successful implementation of the Test Data Management Approach will significantly improve test effectiveness. It also ensures that large quantities of data can be made efficiently and rapidly for the testing process.



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Aarushi Sharma

Aarushi is a bright QA engineer with experience in manual testing. Apart from that she loves to dance.

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