Manage Spinner in AngularJS

Posted By : Himanshu Goyal | 07-Jan-2017

Intro: During every API call we always in show the spinner after the request and before the response comes .Rather then manage the in every API call you just manage in single point in angularjs application using the interceptor. $httpProvider is provide the three point ie request,response and responseError. Even you set the any property in header in every API request .The interceptor will mange the spinner at three points :

A.Show the spinner in request property in $httpProvider .

B.Hide the spinner in response property in $httpProvider 

C.Hide the spinner in responseError property because in case of any error the spinner will be hide .

$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function ($rootScope, $q, $timeout) {
		return {
			request: function (config) {
				config.headers = config.headers || {};
				config.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = localStorage.getItem('authToken');
				return config;
			response: function (response) {
				document.getElementById("spinnerBgfullshow").className = "ng-hide";
				$timeout(function () {
					document.getElementById("spinnerBgfullshow").className = "ng-hide";
				}, 1000);
				return response;
			responseError: function (response) {
				document.getElementById("spinnerBgfullshow").className = "ng-hide";
				return $q.reject(response);


About Author

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Himanshu Goyal

Himanshu is a bright Java ,Mean stack developer and have good knowledge of Hibernate, Spring,FFmepg,Neo4j JSON, Jquery, NODE.JS .His hobbies are learning new things, fitness .

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