Google Home Now Deals With Two Tasks Simultaneously

Posted By : Manisha Jangwal | 07-Dec-2017

 Google Home Now Deals With Two Tasks Simultaneously

A silent feature update has  been made to Google home recently. Google home is now a lot fruitful than before. On account of, it provides Google Assistance with the power to do multitasking. The Google home is endowed with capability to support  two commands at a time. CNET has reported about the recent added characteristic of Google home. In simple words, you can give a single command comprising of two tasks to your smart speaker device. Then these two tasks will be processed and performed.It allows for two of those voice actions to be completed on-the-fly without having to pre-load the device.


An example illustrating this is, like you can say to cancel an old alarm and set a new one in one command. You are expected to say both actions, separately. Otherwise it won’t make out the two tasks being spoken  in a single command and will fail to process the commands.Just two, however. Google Home is only required to do tasks simultaneously for now.


The Google Home assistant’s new capacity is limited as the functionality has not been extended to more than two tasks. However, this feature is very useful for the users as compared to routines on Amazon’s Alexa. It is handy and easy to use. There is one example to demonstrate the use, where you can string commands to get results like this:

"OK, Google, play rock music and set the volume to 10."


Google Home is unable to work for a Shortcut when you string commands together. In simple words, if you give command like this, "OK, Google,I am home and dim the lights." Google home only responded to second command.



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It was totally unexpected  that the company moved this feature out to Home units without mentioning about it. Yet, the new two-command feature is  not available in Google's AI assistant in Android smartphones. Earlier, Google has committed at the Pixel 2 launch event that routines will be adding up to the Google Home in the coming times. Regardless of giving Amazon’s Alexa  a great opportunity to get a completely great head start, Google has done a splendid work playing catch-up to the Echo’s current skill set.




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Manisha Jangwal

Manisha is working as a Content Writer. She enjoys elaborating on minor details with a plethora of information. Her hobbies are going out , exploring new things and listening to music.

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