125fortime is a user-friendly event management software designed to seamlessly connect event organizers with participants. With an intuitive interface, the platform allows event organizers to effortlessly create and manage events. Participants can easily register online for the events happening in their vicinity, making it convenient for them to join and be a part of exciting activities. 125fortime streamlines the event registration process, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both organizers and participants and fosters a vibrant community of event enthusiasts.  

Scope of Work

Our scope of work for the 125fortime project is to develop a cross-platform mobile app that serves as a user-friendly event management software, facilitating seamless connections between event organizers and participants. Our goal is to create an intuitive interface that enables event organizers to effortlessly create and manage events while allowing participants to easily register online for the events happening in their vicinity. Our solution will enhance engagement and collaboration between participants and organizers, making it a go-to platform for organizing and joining exciting activities.


Our Solution

Our team utilized cutting-edge technologies, including Node.js for server-side development, MongoDB for database management, and Native Mobile application development frameworks for cross-platform compatibility. Plus we provided solutions:

  • Developed a mobile application compatible with both Android and iOS devices. 
  • Comprehensive event management software to empowers event organizers to efficiently create, manage, and update events through a user-friendly admin panel.
  • Fostered seamless connections between event organizers and participants.
  • Designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface that ensures ease of use for both event organizers and participants.
  • Streamlined the event registration process, making it quick and hassle-free for participants to sign up for events happening in their vicinity.
  • Created a responsive and dynamic user interface for the app, ensuring smooth interactions and real-time updates.
  • Built a vibrant community of event enthusiasts by providing a platform that encourages engagement and collaboration among participants and organizers.


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