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SurveyMyApp is a dynamic platform that facilitates direct communication between mobile app developers and users, allowing developers to gather valuable and actionable feedback. By bridging this communication gap, SurveyMyApp empowers developers to enhance their apps before launch or with each update, ensuring their apps stand out in the increasingly competitive market. Through this platform, real users are rewarded for providing insightful opinions, enabling developers to make informed decisions and deliver exceptional user experiences. SurveyMyApp's mission is to create a better mechanism for app developers to connect with users, ultimately improving app quality and user satisfaction.  

Scope of Work

Our scope of work for the SurveyMyApp project is to develop a dynamic and user-friendly mobile application that serves as a direct communication channel between app developers and users. Our goal is to create a seamless platform that allows developers to gather valuable and actionable feedback from real users. Through the app, developers can improve their apps before launch or with each update, ensuring their apps stand out in the competitive market. By developing this app, we aim to fulfill SurveyMyApp's mission of creating a better mechanism for app developers to connect with users, ultimately enhancing app quality and user satisfaction. 


Our Solution

Our solution aligns with SurveyMyApp's mission of creating a better mechanism for app developers to connect with users, enhancing app quality and user satisfaction, and providing valuable insights for app enhancement.

Our solution for the SurveyMyApp project involves developing a dynamic and user-friendly mobile application.

  • Developers can gather valuable and actionable feedback from real users, enabling app improvements before launch or with each update.
  • The app is built using Java/Kotlin for Android app development, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • On the backend, we used Groovy & Grails with MySQL as the underlying database, and AngularJS for the frontend.
  • Users can add their apps to their accounts using Store URLs, which fetch app details automatically.
  • Publishers can create live campaigns for end users to participate in surveys and provide valuable feedback.
  • The app also fetches store reviews from various stores and sends the publisher an email with all the received reviews for their apps.




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