An Introduction To Studio 3T Tool

Posted By : Himani Mishra | 27-Aug-2020

Studio 3T

It is a MongoDB tool that provides three ways to explore data with powerful features like query autocompletion, polyglot code generation, a stage-by-stage aggregation query builder, import and export, SQL query support and more.

Studio 3T is a tool in the Virtual Machine platform. It is an open-source and Powerful database management and designing tool for Mac, Windows and Linux. This MongoDB tool is made for growing professional teams and offering a variety of ways to view the data collections, including native Mongo JSON extensions, sophisticated aggregations, drag and drop query builder and traditional SQL queries.


How To Use Studio 3T In MongoDB

There are few steps for using MongoDb Connection String:

1. Open Studio 3T and click on Connect.
2. Then choose New Connection.
3. Click on From URI – this will open up the Import URI window.
4. Paste the connection string from Compose and click OK.


Who Uses It? 

There are many companies reportedly use this tool including Shelf, Codecrafting and Corethree.



1. Import Wizard - Import data from JSON, BSON/mongodump, SQL, and another collection
2. SQL Import and Export - MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL
3. SQL Query - Use SQL to query MongoDB, including joins
4. JSON View - Explore documents within a collection in JSON
5. Data Compare and Sync - Compare two collections side-by-side, analyze differences, and sync data


Studio 3t Alternatives

Robo 3t: It is a visual tool that helps in managing Database MongoDB. It is a free open-source software supporting all of three operating systems- Windows,  Mac OS, and Linux.

NoSQLBooster: Studio 3T is a shell-centric cross-platform GUI tool for MongoDB which provides comprehensive server monitoring tools, fluent query builder, SQL query, and true intellisense experience

MongoDB Compass: Visually explore the data. Run ad hoc queries in seconds and Interact with our data with full CRUD functionality. 


We are a seasoned SaaS app development company that provides end-to-end web and mobile app solutions for cross-industry use cases. Our development team specializes in using JavaScript-based tools and frameworks to build innovative web and mobile solution with a focus on next-gen technologies. For more information, contact us at [email protected].

About Author

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Himani Mishra

She is a backend developer with good knowledge of various technologies. She is always willing to learn new technologies and is a good learner.

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