How To Create Customized Bulk Checkbox

Posted By : Nutan Verma | 28-Apr-2020

Here we are creating our bulk checkbox in primeng table its functionality is same, which we can notice in gmail bulk checkbox. So here is the code with some preselected checkboxes 



<p-table [value]="payrollDataList">
    <ng-template pTemplate="header">
<!-- This will be the header of our checkbox -->
            <th><input type="checkbox" class="regular-checkbox"  id ="selectAll" (change)="toggleCheckAll($event);"></th>      
    <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-car>
<!-- This will be the checkbox in perticular rows --> 
            <td><input type="checkbox" [checked]="rowData.isProcessed" class="regular-checkbox" (change)="selectSingleCheck($event, rowData);"></td> 


So above we wrote two functions for checkbox one function in header for selecting and unselecting all rows and another function for selecting or unselection single row 

here in checked binding we have wrote rowData.isProcessed so whenever this value will be true in our data then we will get our default checked boxes in that perticular rows

Below is the code in our typescript file , where we have triggered the functions in header and in perticular rows.


//header function 

  toggleCheckAll(event) { 

  if( // if we get true value from header

  {this.selectedDataIds = => data.payrollId);}


    { this.selectedDataIds=[]   }


    let payrollData = => {


      return {, isProcessed: }



    this.payrollDataList = payrollData;




//checkbox for perticular rows

 selectSingleCheck(event, rowData) {







    var index = this.selectedDataIds.indexOf(rowData.payrollId);


    if (index > -1) { 

       this.selectedDataIds.splice(index, 1);


//if perticular rows checked is lesser than all rows then unselect the header checkbox







//if perticular rows checked is lesser equal to all rows then checked the header checkbox

    if(this.selectedDataIds.length == this.payrollDataList.length) 





    let user = this.payrollDataList.filter(data => data.userId === rowData.userId);




so here toggleCheckAll function written in the header of the table will select all the rows ids and selectSingleCheck for selecting single row id

here checked or unchecked value will always depend on key processed if true then the checkbox will be selected, if false than checkbox will be unselected

we can also do more modifications in this customized checkbox, for example, if we want to disable some of the checkboxes, that we can do by using property binding disabled and in this, we can write the particular condition in it for which we want to enable or disable the checkboxes.


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Nutan Verma

She works as a Frontend Developer. She keeps looking for challenges which demands the best of her professional ability in terms of technical, analytical skills. She is always energetic and competent.

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