Angular Components And Their Working Methodologies

Posted By : Manish Nayal | 05-Jan-2021

Angular is a framework that is used for making single-page applications(APA). Its architecture works on NgModule.


  declarations: [
    // Components
  imports: [
   // additional plugins
  providers: [
    //all services registered here


NgModule is a class marked by @NgModule decorator which provides compilation context for components. It takes a metadata object that describes how to compile a template of a component. The SPA always has at least one root module for bootstrapping the applications.


Components are basic building blocks for the angular application. Components are defined by the @component decorator. It has a selector, template, style, and more properties. An angular application identifies the class just below it as a component using @Component() decorator. Besides, it also provides the template and specific metadata related to that component.



   selector: 'app-assets',

   templateUrl: './assets.component.html',

    styleUrls: ['./assets.component.css']



A template combines HTML with Angular markup that can modify HTML before rendering them on the browser. Template directives serve two purposes: firstly, it provides program logic, and secondly, it binds markup with application data and DOM. We have two types of data binding:

  • Event Binding:- It helps to respond to user input in the target environment by updating data.
  • Property Binding:- It lets us values to be interpolated that are computed from application data by rendering it on HTML.

Templates can transform the values for display using pipes and improve the user experience as a result. Angular provides predefined pipes for common transformations and you can create your own pipes.


Also Read: Overview Of Angular version 10


Some featured modules in angular are:

  • View Components
  • Service Component


View  Components

views are browser elements that we can modify according to our application need and logics.

Service Components

They provide specific functionality and are not directly linked to views. We can introduce service providers into components as dependencies to make modular code reusable and efficient.


Also Read: Pipes in Angular


There is at least one component in the Angular application, known as the root component that connects all components with the DOM (Document Object Model). Each component has its own class that contains application logic and data.


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About Author

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Manish Nayal

He likes making stuff on the Internet and specialises in designing digital products such as websites and web apps. He is frontend developer having good knowledge of various frontend technologies.

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