Introduction to git and Basic Commands and Creation of repository

Posted By : Mohit Shakya | 09-Jan-2017

Hey Hi,
In this blog we'll discuss about some basic and essential commands of git.

We'll include following commands in this blog:
* About Git
* Install Git (minimal required packages)
* Fetch - getting all assigned branches info from remote
* Branch - identifying current branch
* Pull - get latest codebase on existing branch
* Commit - create a new entry in existing codebase
* Push - upload available modified codebase
* remote add - link to remote repository
* Init - create a new repository

Let's get this started.


What is Git?

It's a version control system, mostly used today for maintain project's version history or we can say it a care taker of our projects codebase in general. It's completely open-source and introduced by Linus Trovald ( the founder of linux ).


Install Git (minimal required packages)

On linux:
* For Redhat Based Distros:
$ sudo yum install git
* For Debian Based Distros:
$ sudo apt-get install git
On mac/windows:
*go to link:
*download binaries and install using guided gui.

Fetch - getting all assigned branches info from remote


To get all assigned branches info from remote git repository ( including all newly assigned or unknown branches ),
use following git command in your local repository:
$ git fetch


Branch - identifying current branch

To identify current working branch, type in your repository:
$ git branch (branch with * sign is your current branch)

Pull - get latest codebase on existing branch


To get all latest codebase on a branch, type:
$ git pull origin <branch_name>

NOTE: be specific to current branch name, if the branch name is not same as the current branch, it would be a 'MERGE' operation.


Commit - create a new entry in existing codebase

To create a new entry in current local repository:
* first, add modified or new files to repository:
$ git add <complete file path one want to add>
$ git add . (to add all availalbe files)

* now, to create them as an entry:
$ git commit -m "<some massage>"


Push - upload available modified codebase

To upload modified codebase use git command in your repository directory:
$ git push origin <current_branch_name>


remote add - link to remote repository

To link current repository to remote repository in your repository directory:
$ git remote add <repository_name> <repository_url>


Init - create a new repository

To create a new repository we use 'git init'.
* Go to directory in console, you want to create repository for.
* type following command:
$ git init


Usage Example: Create a new repository and push to remote repository
$ git init
 (create files if directory is empty)
$ git add .
$ git commit -m '<commit_massege>'
$ git remote add <repoName> <repoUrl>
$ git push -u origin master;

Thanks for reading my blog, your comments will be valuable.

About Author

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Mohit Shakya

Mohit has worked in groovy and grails, filesystems, ffmpeg. Mohit likes to be adventurous, likes music, solving puzzles, playing chess, and basketball.

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