Why We Need Hybrid Sorting Mechanism

Posted By : Lovedeep Sangha | 26-Jul-2019

Sorting is the process of arranging elements in a meaningful way. For example, we do sorting of objects in increasing and decreasing order.

In computers for arranging objects which is to the requirement in many application, we use some effective algorithm to sort the object order. So these algorithms are known as Sorting algorithms.


Some of them are:-

1:- Insertion Sort

2:- Merge Sort

3:- Quick Sort

4:- Heap Sort


So these are some of the basic Sorting Algorithms and we will discuss the complexities and usage properties to further show that they are not enough for sorting our application objects


1:- Insertion sort:- Insertion sort has the worst time complexity of O( n^2) but with some constant factors

So the total runtime = Constant factor * O(n^2)

The content factor for insertion sort is their swaps because it can need to do n swaps if the elements are reverse order which is bit costly if the n size increased.


2:- Merge Sort:- Merge Sort has worst-case complexity of O(n*log(n)) but the merge sort requires some auxiliary space which is again equal to the number of elements to be sort so it requires n size space more to sort the elements.


3:- Quick Sort:- has average-case complexity of O(n*log(n)) to the best of O(n) with some of the content factors. That is required at each level of its divide & conquer. So the basic content factors are pointers for left & right element, the pivot for each chunk at a particular level and many more. So the overall efficiency of algorithm decreases due to these of common factors


4:- Heap Sort:- Heap sort is in-place sorting Algorithm with Worst case Complexity of O(n*log(n)), Number of pointers are also low but it has more swap operations which create poor locality of reference elements.


So to Optimize our sorting approach we need some other mechanism to sort them the inefficient way. So this is where Hybrid Sorting mechanism came up. So What is Hybrid Sorting Algorithm it is combining up to two or more sorting algorithm to solve the sorting problem in an effective and efficient way? There are various hybrid sorting algorithm Like Tim Sort which has O(n log n ) complexity and best complexity od O(n) which is being used in many programming languages like java, python, etc. it is being driven by combining Insertion sort with Merge Sort moreover it also have some other variants like Quicksort with merge sort etc. In the nutshell, we have dawn to the age where collections of data aspect is too high. so to extract the information we need sorting queries over data to be done in minimal time and space complexities.


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Lovedeep Sangha

He is good in System analysis and design of algorithm and pro-efficient in related technologies to it. Moreover he is a great contributor in open Source technologies.

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