Why End to End Testing is Necessary

Posted By : Neha Saini | 30-Oct-2018

This is a method of testing which is helpful for determining that the performance of any application is in accordance with the specified requirements or not. The main reason behind the use of this testing is to determine the dependencies of any particular application. This testing is performed after the completion of functional testing of the application.

While performing this type of testing, we consider all the interfaces and backend processes of the software system. Form performing this testing, manual methods are preferred mainly for the completion of testing of any application.

Different methods of testing:-

1-Horizontal end to end testing:-

This is a very common method of testing which occurs across the context of application horizontally. 


2- Vertical end to end testing:-

In this method all the transactions are evaluated from start to end of any application and each layer is tested from top to bottom of the application. Thus this method is much more difficult.


White box and black box testing are related to end to end testing. And actually, an end to end testing is the combination of the benefit of the black box and white box testing. End to end testing performs architectural approach for validation.


Here are some guidelines to write test cases in such type of testing:-


  • Test cases should be designed from the perspective of  the end user
  • Test cases should focus on existing features of an application
  • For multiple test cases, multiple scenarios should be considered 


The major risk that can be avoided are:-


  • System flow verification.
  • Increased coverage areas of the test cases
  • Detects issues for the better productivity of the whole system.


How does it work?


Let's take an example of the banking industry, where if any shareholder uses a Demat account to purchase shares and some particular amount is given to the broker. This whole process includes Risk Management. In such a case testing involves multiple levels so while performing this testing multiple scenarios should be considered for proper testing of any application.


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Neha Saini

Neha is a QA Engineer in Oodles and have good knowledge of Manual Testing and Automation Testing , always eager to learn new things.

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