What Is Soap and How Is It Different From Rest

Posted By : Sahil Dwivedi | 28-Oct-2018

SOAP:-Soap is a simple Object access protocol so you can transfer soap objects in terms of XML format over HTTP protocol and then you can use those objects and formulate those objects. So why we need Soap? Soap is important to create you are able to communicate over the internet so that is when soap started people wanted to transfer data from one website to another or they wanted to ship data from one place to another place over the internet so that is when Soap was invented.

What basically soap did? Soap wrapped around lots of stuff inside it and then shipped over the HTTP protocol So basically soap has lots of building blocks here You can see Skeleton of soap.



here you can see headers, body and some data inside that is called a fault. So in general soap as a specific type of format like you have to have a namespace and have the different type attribute. But in terms of Rest, you don't need to do stuff like that Some Rest Example such as 

Successful request:

  "success": true,
  "payload": {
    /* Application-specific data would go here. */
Failed request:

  "success": false,
  "payload": {
    /* Application-specific data would go here. */
  "error": {
    "code": 123,
    "message": "An error occurred!"

So rest is nothing but representational state transfer.


Differences Between Soap and Rest:-

Soap and Rest both are in HTML HTTP transaction over HTTP protocol but how they are different 

So if you notice Soap message is heavyweight. So if you want to send just a single line message you need to write lines of code however in terms of rest you need to just concentrate what data you want to send.
So that is Rest always has a better performance than Soap 

Rest have different levels such as 
level 0
Level 1- Resources
Level 2- HTTP Verbs
Level 3-HyperMedia Controls

So by default soap has Level Zero So whatever you transect over HTTP protocol that is all level zero.

Another way to understand Soap is, Soap is like an envelope so you have cover then you put your paper inside an envelope and then pack it and send it over However Rest is PostCard, it's all open whatever content you have its all open. Rest is not that much secure but you can make it secure internally into the application however if you soap is much secured you need to WSDL to decode so that is the basic difference between Soap and Rest.

About Author

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Sahil Dwivedi

Sahil Dwivedi is an associate consultant developer,he has knowledge of core Java and AngularJS. His hobbies are watching movies,playing football and Listening music.He is creative person.

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