Validation Utils And Validator Interface Of Spring

Posted By : Manish Gupta | 31-May-2018

This blog highlights the Spring's org.springframework.validation.Validator interface. This interface can be used to validate the properties of an object and report the errors if the object property which is to be validated is found empty(null or ") and/or contains the empty spaces, for instance. The validator interface works with the Errors interface. While validating the object, the Validator interface will report the validation errors to the Errors object. The Validator uses two methods: 1) supports(Class): This is used to check if the Validator supports the given object. 2) validate( Object, org.springframework.validation.Errors ): This actually validates the given object and if any validation failure occurs when the errors are reported to the object of org.springframework.validation.Errors. To illustrate, let us create a class with the name Employee with the properties of employee first name, last name, employee id and employee age.

    class Employee{
	private int id;
	private String fname;
	private String lname;
	private int age;

	public int getId()
      return id;
   public void setId( int id )
   { = id;
   // remaining getter setters
Now let's create a validator for our Employee class object. Suppose that we need to validate that name, name properties are not null and empty and 60
For this, we can use ValidationUtils (org.springframework.validation.ValidationUtils) along with the Validator. ValidationUtils provides methods to invoke Validator and check if the fields/properties are empty. It fields are empty, then it will be rejected( see ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmpty() below) and errors are cached in Errors object e. ValidationUtils also provide a method named rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace() which in addition to rejectIfEmpty() method also checks for the whitespaces in the value of the field. If we call ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace() method on some mandatory field and if that field is empty or contains only the whitespaces then it will be rejected and error will be reported the Errors object.
             public class EmployeeValidator implements Validator {
	public boolean supports(Class clzz) {
		return Employee.class.equals(clzz);
	public void validate(Object obj, Errors e) {
		ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmpty(e, "fname", "fname.empty");
		ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmpty(e, "lname", "lname.empty");
		Employee emp = (Employee)obj;
		if (emp.getAge() < 18) {
			e.rejectValue("age", "negativeAgeValue");
		} else if (emp.getAge() > 60) {
			e.rejectValue("age", "cannotParticipate");

We can validate any property as per the validation required on that property. Example, we can write our custom logic for password validation. ----------- Thanks -----------


About Author

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Manish Gupta

Manish is a Java Developer with hands on experience in Core Java, JSP, Spring framework, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, and SQL/PL-SQL. Tools used: Eclipse, Netbeans, DBeaver, Oracle SQL Developer, Toad, MS SQL Server. He is a keen learner and technology

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