Using Interceptors in AngularJs

Posted By : Pulkit Chadha | 27-Sep-2017


The $http service helps us to communicate with the backend server and send  HTTP requests. 


var Interceptor = function ($q)  
    return {  
        request: function (config)  
            return config;  
        requestError: function (rejection)  
            return $q.reject(rejection);  
        response: function (result)  
            return result;  
        responseError: function (response)  
            return $q.reject(response);  
interceptorApp = angular.module('interceptorApp', []).config(function ($httpProvider)  

An interceptor is a factory() service and we need to register our factory with the $httpProvider.There is 4 interceptor:


1) Request:
Before sending the request to the server., request interceptor is called.
This takes only one argument i.e config obj and returns a config\ object.We can use request interceptor to add the authentication token to each HTTP request.

  request: function (config) {    
    var token = AuthenticationService.get("auth");    
    config.headers['x-Auth-token'] = token;    
    return config;    

This interceptor is called when

any error is occurred in sending the request.We can use RequestError interceptor to keep the log of all the failed requests.

requestError: function (rejection) {      
    return $q.reject(rejection);    


This interceptor is called after getting the response from the backend.We can use Response interceptor to add some extra keys in the response object.

response: function (obj) {    
     return obj;    



This interceptor is called if an $http request fails.We can use ResponseError interceptor for global error handling or redirect a user to the login page if we get status code 401.

responseError: function (response) {    
     if (response.status === 401) {    
         $flashService.showError = "Error occured";
     if (response.status === 500) {    
         $flashService.showError = "Error occured";    
     return $q.reject(response);    

About Author

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Pulkit Chadha

Pulkit is an expert web app developer and has good knowledge of JQuery, MongoDb, NodeJs, AngularJS, kaltura, Akamai. etc.

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