Use Broadcast, Emit And On in AngularJS

Posted By : Pulkit Chadha | 27-Sep-2017

In angularJs,sometimes we need to communicate between the controllers.This might be needed to send notification or send date to the other controllers.$scope and $rootscope support 3 methods i.e $Broadcast(), $Emit() And $On() for event based communication between the controller.

Overview of $broadcast(), $emit() and $on():-

$broadcast() and $emit() helps to raise an event. The difference between $broadcast() and $emit() is that the $broadcast() sends the event from the current controller to all of its child controllers. The $emit() method sends an event from current controller to all of its parent controllers.


* $scope.$broadcast("Event_Name",data);
* $scope.$emit("Event_Name",data); 

An event raised by $broadcast() and $emit() can be handled by wiring an event handler using $on() method. 


* $scope.$on("Event_Name", function(event,data){ 
  // handler code here 

Event system on $scope and $rootScope:-

1) Nested controller or when there is parent-child relationship between the controller.we use $broadcast(), $emit() and $on() on the $scope object.
2) Sibling controller or when there is no relation between the controller.we use $broadcast(), $emit() and $on() on the $rootScope object.

Example of $broadcast and $on:

var app=angular.module('MyApp',[]);


$scope.$broadcast('ClickEvent',"Hello Angular");






Example of $emit and $on:

var app=angular.module('MyApp',[]);




$scope.$emit('ClickEvent',"Hello Angular");


About Author

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Pulkit Chadha

Pulkit is an expert web app developer and has good knowledge of JQuery, MongoDb, NodeJs, AngularJS, kaltura, Akamai. etc.

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