Understanding the basics of Hoisting

Posted By : Kiran Joshi | 31-Oct-2018


In simple terms lifting or raising up something. In javascript, it means the functions and variables are available even before the execution phase starts. To understand it let's understand the necessary insights of Javascript.

Everytime you write a program in javascript, it runs in an environment and that environment is called execution context.

There are two types of execution contexts:

1. Global Execution Context,  2. Execution Context created every time after a function is created.

1. Global Execution Context runs code which is not inside any function and is associated with the global object, for example writing location and location.window is exactly same in a browser, as the window is the global object of the browser.

 2. Execution Context associated at block level runs code every time a function is called and creates a new execution context.


Note: Every time a function is called the new execution context is pushed to the top of the global execution context, which makes an execution stack.


The execution contexts are associated with an object. This object has 3 variables attached to it which are called its properties:

i. Variable Object 

ii. Scope

iii. this keyword


How an execution context is created?

There are two phases to create an execution context:

a. Creation Phase
b. Execution Phase

a. Creation Phase has three following steps  
  i. Creation of Variable Object: creates an argument object which contains all the arguments passed into the function.
  ii. Creation of scope chain
scans the code for declaration: 

   1. If there are functions created a property will be created in the variable object pointing to the function. Which means you can call a function before its declaration.

          	calcAge(1965); // output- 53

		function calcAge(year){
		 console.log(2018 - year);
		calcAge(1965); // output- 53       


   2. for every variable a property will be created in vo and set to undefined.

		console.log(age); // output - undefined
		var age = 50;
		console.log(age); //output - 50


iii. Determine value of this variable.

Note: All the functions are stored inside Variable object before code execution. 


b. Execution Phase: The code of the function that generated the current execution is run line by line.



About Author

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Kiran Joshi

Kiran is a Frontend developer and have knowledge of HTML5, SASS, Bootstrap, and Javascript. She has working knowledge of ReactJs as well.

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