Types of Software Testing

Posted By : Himanshu Shukla | 25-Feb-2018

Software Testing is following Types:


1.Unit Testing: It is same as white box testing in which tester test the flow of the code.


2.BVT(Build Verification Testing): It is done by the development team or the team responsible for the deployment of code. Here they check whether build has been properly deployed or not. It is informal testing.


3.Smoke Testing: It is done by the testing team and they ensure that whether the application is ready for testing or not. It is formal testing.


Coding Unit Testing Build BVT Smoke Testing
Developer Team Developer Developer Developer Tester
Developer Team White Box Tester White Box Tester White Box Tester Tester
Developer Team Developer White Box Tester White Box Tester Tester
Developer Team White Box Tester SCM(Build deployment team) SCM(Build deployment team) Tester
Developer Team Developer Tester Tester -------


4.Component Testing: In this type of testing, tester tests the module (Dependent or Independent) of an application where all the possible positive and all possible negative functional conditions are checked.


5.Integration Testing: In which tester test the functionality of dependent module, after integration all possible positive and all possible negative functional flow are checked.


6.System Testing: In which tester test the application in terms of functional and non-functional conditions. In Functional Testing, we check all the possible positive and mandatory negative conditions. In non-functional we check conditions like performance, security, compatibility, usability etc.


7.System Integration Testing: When the application to be tested is dependent upon another application, then we integrate both the applications and testing is performed and this kind of testing is called system integration testing.


8.UAT(User Acceptance Testing): It is performed by the client-side testing team. UAT checks the functionality and all possible positive and mandatory negative conditions.


UAT is two types:

1.Alpha Testing: It is done by client testing team.


2.Beta Testing: It is done on production by Real users.



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Himanshu Shukla

Himanshu has good ability to solve the issues and provide the appropriate solution.

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