Types Of Regression Testing And The Steps To Do It

Posted By : Anjali Pandey | 30-Sep-2018

Types of Regression Testing:


1. Unit regression: 
The unit regression test performed during unit testing phase tests the code as a unit. There is a narrow and focused approach in it, where complex interaction and dependency are temporarily blocked outside the code unit in question.


2. Partial regression:
After the effect analysis, partial regression is done. In this test process, the new code of code is created as a unit.  To interact with other parts of the old current code, to determine that the code also works with the modification, the system works as desired in Silo.


3. Complete regression:
Full regression testing is often done when the code varies for modification or software update returns to the roots. This also happens when there are many changes in the existing code. It gives a comprehensive perspective of the system and erases any unexpected problems.

Below are the steps which follow while doing regression testing:


Step1: Smoke/Sanity Test: It is mainly used to check that the system is stable, and to confirm that if the system works as it is required under standard conditions. Instead of finding a bug, the purpose here is to ensure that the system is stable before the remaining testing process begins.


Step2: Requirements Analysis: The requirements for modifications or code joints should be thoroughly analyzed. Often users report bugs when analyzed, results of last-minute changes are found. Therefore, the mandatory requirements of the customers should be carefully evaluated, and cases for regression are prepared, such that the main features of the product remain intact.


Step3: Test Cases for Critical Functions: 
Of the various test cases designed for regression testing, the most important ones for the clients and development teams are the Sanitation Test cases which check the basic functionality of the system. Test cases related to general setup are checked on priority. According to bandwidth and software lifecycle progression, as required test cases designed for regression testing are then executed.


Step4: Selection of Test Cases:

After the priority of test cases, they can be chosen for execution. Selection of these test cases is mainly done on the basis of the areas and features of criticisms and their criticism. Tests are run aggressively for units of code, which have made many changes over and over again.



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Anjali Pandey

Anjali is a QA Software Engineer, with experience in Manual Testing. She loves finding Bugs in application. Her hobbies are going for picnics with Friends and Reading stories.

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