Top Predictions For The ERP Software Industry in 2020

Posted By : Vidushi Vij | 12-Aug-2018

ERP future

“We cannot predict the future, but we can invent it.” -Dennis Gabor

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), is an integrated software that helps in improving the business processes such as, marketing, finance, human resource, supply chain, procurement etc. A good ERP software can do wonders for your business and helps employees to become more productive by automating long office tasks. In simple words, the ERP system reduces wastage of time by making effective decisions which are completely based on real-time analytics. 


Reasons for ERP Market growth: 

Enterprise Resource Planning market is growing for the last few years. Businesses are growing and getting various benefits from the ERP solutions. There are various factors that influence the growth of ERP market:

  • Mobile and cloud-based services have helped the business to become more flexible.
  • Business intelligence system has streamlined the whole process.
  • Every kind of business is investing in a good ERP system for becoming more efficient.
  • Pre-existing clients acquire more licensed modules.  


Future predictions are not easy to make, still, every year the prediction is made for each technology and ERP industry is no behind. There are a lot of factors that help in shaping the ERP solutions globally. ERP predictions are made based on the past data collected over the last several years. These are the predictions that have been made so far:


Also Read: AI and ERP Software Integration Is Valuable                       

From small to big businesses, everyone today uses ERP to improve their revenue. Analysts are talking about SaaS and cloud and these two will just keep on growing in near future but mobility will take the mainstream by 2020. This will help the systems to get accessed from your smartphones. Every employee such as back office people, clerks, management, shop floor workers will access the data through mobile devices only. This will be the greatest achievement since people these days like the data to be available on the go. 


Increased focus on business intelligence
The business intelligence trend is already gaining traction and will surely increase in the coming few years. Every company uses the data provided by
ERP software to plan their business strategies accordingly. But this reporting is not enough, thus the companies want more smart and intelligent ways to use this information. 


Also Read: How To Improve Cloud ERP With AI And Machine Learning

Improved User experience 
People are looking out for more ways to make the ERP system more intuitive and user-friendly. Not only that, every system will be optimized more properly that will help in displaying the content appropriately. ERP technology will be almost everywhere you could ever imagine such as in the manufacturing of glasses, smart watches etc. 


The efficient ERP system strategy will surely help any kind of a business to grow smoothly. While we are not sure about the future of ERP system but these are our few predictions of this field. 


About Author

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Vidushi Vij

Vidushi is a digital marketing professional. She work on SEO, SME, SMO, Content writing. She like listening to music and exploring new places.

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