To know about the importance of Response Time Testing.

Posted By : Sonali Gupta | 14-Sep-2018

What is Response Time?


Response time referred to the time taken by one system(API) node to respond to the other respective request of an application. It is the time of a system API or a system unit which takes a few seconds to react or to respond a specific input of an API until the process gets stopped. For example, choose an API, and the response time was already known for that specific API, Just need to run that API to check the exact match of an API response and return data in JSON with exact respond time in milliseconds.


Response Time also put an impact on the performance of an application, hence it also measures the performance of each and every transaction or queries of an API.  Response time initializes when the user sends or hit an API request and which will end when the time of that application API request has been stopped or completed.

How will the Test Engineer Measure Response Time?


Response time can be measured by using some test tools which will manipulate the response time from the start to end of the transaction in an application. The test engineer just needs to hit the API of an application screen wise in the test tools which will automatically be fetched all the respective API's. For example, the Login Page of an Application.


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If the Test Engineer test the response time in various tools may happen that the response time will vary from one tool to another tool. Here is why:-


1. The method's for calculating the metrics may be varied by each tool.
2. Due to Simulation and loading problem of an application which can put an effect in the response time.
3. Due to the presence of the load on an application, which may affect the respective API.
4. The architecture of the other tools may be different, hence the responses may vary.


Note:- Test engineer can measure response time by using tools as, Blazemeter, Jmeter etc.

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Sonali Gupta

Sonali is certified in manual testing and selenium web driver. She is a B.Tech through Electronics and Communication.

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