Timeline slider the jQuery plugin

Posted By : Arun Kataria | 29-May-2018

Timeline slider is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, dynamic, horizontal, touch-friendly, draggable  timeline to display custom events in a slider way. Click on a event slot you will see more details about that event.

By using show the Timeline Slider Jquery plugin where you want to book the time or show the Booked time. By clicking on a particular time This plugin will return the Time on which you have clicked, and also the nearby booked time slot in that paticular Date. It had a feature of draging to select time from that which you want to select. It will show the selected time that you have selected. Its UI is also not destorted in any screen size.

This Plugin is compatible with Ionic 1 to Ionic 3. You can customize its View by changing its CSS file Like changing clour of Booked time or Background time. This plugin is compatible with all the Devices and all the screen size. It's Pure Jquery plugin. So that you can use it with any application such as AngularJs, ReactJs etc.

Let's have a look at, how to integrate it with our Front-end application. Below I had mentioned the code to integrate it.



How to use:-

1) Add script to main html.

2         integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo"
3         crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
4 <script src="jquery.timespace.js"></script>

2) theme CSS of your choice in the head section of the page.

1 <!-- Dark theme -->
2 <link href="css/jquery.timespace.dark.css" rel="stylesheet">
4 <!-- Light theme -->
5 <link href="css/jquery.timespace.light.css" rel="stylesheet">

3) Create a Div where a event timeline should appear.

1 <div id="timeline"></div>

4) Create in JS file to define your own events displayed in the timeline.

01 $('#timeline').timespace({
03   // 24-hour timeline
04   data: {
05     headings: [
06       {start: 0, end: 6, title:'Night'},
07       {start: 6, end: 12, title:'Morning'},
08       {start: 12, end: 18, title:'Afternoon'},
09       {start: 18, title:'Evening'},
10     ],
11     events: [
12       {
13         start: 6.50,
14         title:'Breakfast',
15         description:'Eat a healthy breakfast.',
16         // width: number
17         // noDetails: false,
18         // class:string,
19         // callback: Function
20       },
21       {start: 8, end: 10, title:'Walk', description:'Go for a walk.'},
22       {start: 14, title:'Lunch', description:'Eat a healthy lunch.'},
23       {start: 14.75, title:'Meeting', description:'Meeting with Co-workers.'},
24     ]
25   },
27 });

5) These are the default options for customize a event timeline.

01 $('#timeline').timespace({
03   // max width in pixels
04   maxWidth: 1000,
06   // max height in pixels
07   maxHeight: 280,
09   // the amount of pixels to move the Timespace on navigation
10   // 0 to disable
11   navigateAmount: 200,
13   // The multiplier to use with navigateAmount when dragging the time table horizontally
14   dragXMultiplier: 1,
16   // The multiplier to use with navigateAmount when dragging the time table vertically
17   dragYMultiplier: 1,
19   // selected event
20   // 0 for first event, -1 to disable
21   selectedEvent: 0,
23   // if the time table should shift when an event is selected
24   shiftOnEventSelect:true,
26   // If the window should scroll to the event display box on event selection (only applies if the time table height is greater than the window height)
27   scrollToDisplayBox:true,
29   // jQuery object to use for the event display box
30   customEventDisplay:null,
32   // or '<a href="https://www.jqueryscript.net/time-clock/">date</a>'
33   timeType:'hour',
35   // using 12-Hour time
36   use12HourTime:true,
38   // if a suffix should be added to the displayed time (e.g. '12 AM' or '300 AD')
39   useTimeSuffix:true,
41   // receives the lowercase suffix string and returns a formatted string
42   timeSuffixFunction: s =>' ' + s[0].toUpperCase() + s[1].toUpperCase(),
44   // start/end time
45   startTime: 0,
46   endTime: 23,
48   // the amount of time markers to use
49   // 0 to calculate from startTime, endTime, and markerIncrement
50   markerAmount: 0,
52   // the amount of time between each marker
53   markerIncrement: 1,
55   // width of marker
56   markerWidth: 100,
58   controlText: {
59     navLeft:'Move Left',
60     navRight:'Move Right',
61     drag:'Drag',
62     eventLeft:'Previous Event',
63     eventRight:'Next Event',
64   }
66 });

           This is default options for customize a event timeline you can change as per your requirements.

About Author

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Arun Kataria

Arun has good skills in AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB and many more. He is highly motivated which allow him to strive for proficiency when accomplishing assigned duties. He is an excellent team operative.

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