Tagging input fields using jQuery TagsInput plugin

Posted By : Sachin Verma | 11-Nov-2013

jQuery Tags-Input Plugin (Convert boring text inputs into magical taggling interfaces)

jQuery Tags-input plugin is brilliant add-on for our TextFields to make them accepting Tags as input as you may have seen in Gmail, StackOverflow etc. daily use applications.

Tags-input plugin provides a lots of functionalities and a very user-friendly and best of all it is much easy to implement and provided to world's most popular javascript library jQuery.
Things we can do with Tags-input plugin:
  • Autocomplete feature
  • Add/Remove multiple tags
  • Manage Size
  • Event Handling
  • All normal textfield featues.
Let's understand how Tags-Input works.
First you have to import Tags-Input css and javascript resources.

Secondly, select all your nomal textFields and tagglify them
$(document).ready(function () {
		'autocomplete_url':"List or Url returning list",
		'onAddTag':function(){changeTags("add", this)} ,
		 'onRemoveTag': function(){changeTags("delete", this)}
Just following these simple steps you have designed taggling input box interfaces.
Thank you for reading.


About Author

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Sachin Verma

Sachin is a bright OCJP certified lead java developer with excellent experience in Groovy and Grails framework for building SaaS applications.

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