Store taken photos and videos from app to iOS Camera Roll

Posted By : Avilash Choudhary | 29-Jun-2015

If you are implementing photos and videos functionality in your cordova project using Camera and Media-capture plugin and you want to store taken photos and videos in iOS Camera Roll. 

For photos, Use this method this method and set saveToPhotoAlbum:true in options {

//console.log('capture photo url ‘+ imageUrl);

}, attachMedia.onFail, {
quality : 50,
destinationType :,
correctOrientation : true,
targetWidth : 640,
saveToPhotoAlbum : true
// you can also set destinationType:  this will return the base64 of that image.

Whenever User take the picture from camera in your app then that picture will also be available in device  camera roll.

For Videos, Use  navigator.device.capture.captureVideo  and set saveToPhotoAlbum:true in options 


//console.log("video shoot “+videoData);

},attachMedia.captureVideoError, {
limit : 1, 
duration: 60,

When you set the saveToPhotoAlbum:true this will save the video in iOS camera roll but To achieve this you also need to modify some code in CDVCapture.m file, you can find this file in plugins section in your Xcode. In CDVCapture.m find the processVideo method near 277 line number. Check the image. 

There is some code commented you need to uncomment that need to uncomment the code below this line /* don't need, it should automatically get saved */ . 

When you uncomment this code, the videos taken from your app will be saved also in iOS Camera Roll. 

Most of the apps which provide video downloading functionality set saveToPhotoAlbum:false to restrict free user to save video on camera roll. They unlock this feature when user buy that feature they just set it true now user will be able to save videos on their camera roll.

About Author

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Avilash Choudhary

Avilash has excellent experience in developing mobile and web applications using jQuery , Javascript and PhoneGap. His hobbies are watching and playing cricket.

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