Selecting Spring Boot for Application Development

Posted By : Khushboo Arora | 14-Mar-2019

Spring Boot for App Development

Demand for android and iOS applications is increasing at a rapid pace. Businesses are expanding and to help them stay ahead of their competitors, there is an urgent need to integrate their mobile apps with Java.   


After the success of Spring in web and enterprise application development, the Spring team created Spring Boot on its existing framework. It enables the developers to handle configuration complexities and reduce the app development time.


Why we use Spring Boot in our Application Development Cycle?


The word “Boot” represents automated features based on Java configuration rather than XML’s. It replaces normal spring XML files to accelerate the app development process. Following Opinionated Defaults Configuration, helps in reducing the efforts of the developers. Spring Boot provides Embedded HTTP servers like Tomcat and Jetty help developers create and test web applications easily.


Other Benefits of using Spring Boot in App Development?


  • Eases Java or Groovy  application development

  • Reduces Unit Test and Integration Test time

  • Reduces development time and increases Productivity

  • Prevents developers from boilerplate Code, Annotations and XML Configuration

  • Provides plugins for building and testing spring boot applications easily


Previously, the Spring Framework took a lot of time to configure a simple mobile or web app. The current Spring Boot framework helps app developers to reduce the development, Unit Test and Integration Test time. Subsequently, developers are able to provide production-ready apps easily.


Spring Boot integration is done on an existing Spring Framework and is not implemented from scratch. Therefore, if businesses are planning to deploy it in their existing apps then they need to get in touch with app developers to understand the concept.


The  Java experts at Oodles Technologies have hands-on experience in creating scalable, robust, and power-packed applications using Spring Boot. For the complete understanding of how Spring Boot is implemented at Oodles,  read further.


Selecting the Pre-Requisite Tools


For implementing Spring Boot to develop web or mobile apps, we require a pre-requisite tool. Oodles Technologies works on Java 1.8 and Java 1.8+ pre-requisite tools to build scalable, robust apps to the clients.


After this, we select the editors for running a Spring Boot app. We work on IDE( Integrated Network environment. The most popularly used IDE’s are



  2. STS( Spring Tool Suite )

  3. IntelliJ IDEA

Based on the requirement of our clients, we select the best IDE to deliver their projects timely.


Now comes the selection of a right building tool. After selecting the Integrated Network Environment, the next step is selecting the pre-development and post-development tools. The two most commonly used building tools at Oodles technologies are 


  1. Maven

  2. Gradel

Spring Boot Architecture

Benefits of Spring Boots Apps to Enterprises


  • Offers Stability

Core and central modules in spring ecosystem do not change frequently. Even when the changes are about to happen, the Spring team will announce it before releasing. Prior intimation offers stability to enterprise apps, helping them to migrate smoothly.

  • Open Source

Spring Boot is an open source software and is maintained by Pivotal Company. It is free to use framework and will stick around for another decade.  

  • Offers Flexibility

Suitable for developing server-side rendered web applications, RESTful and other Web-APIs. It also creates a regular command line and batch jobs apps.

  • Easy to Connect

Spring Boot helps in connecting applications to relational databases, NoSQL databases or queue services without hassle. It also supports frameworks like ActiveMQ, ElasticSearch, Rabbit MQ, MongoDB, MySQL and making application development an easier process.  


Limitations of Using Spring Boot in App Development

  • Converting the existing Spring framework projects to Spring Boot Applications is complicated and time-consuming.

  • Increases deploying binary size with unused dependencies.

How we help you Overcome these Limitations?


Oodles Technologies helps you convert your existing Spring apps to Spring Boot Apps. Our experts make use of tools provided by the Spring Team to create applications that are free from complexities. Most popular Spring Tools we use in projects include:

  • Spring Boot CLI

  • Spring STS IDE

  • Spring Initializr Website

Are you planning to build a new enterprise app or just want to revamp your existing one?  Contact Oodles Technologies - a leading Java development company in India, offering power packed mobile and web apps to businesses across the globe. Our experts help companies build Spring Boot Applications from scratch. Apart from creating Java Application, our developers have experience in creating top-notch blockchain applications, SaaS-based mobile applications and more. For complete details on mobile and web application development, contact our experts now!



About Author

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Khushboo Arora

Khushboo is a Technology enthusiast. As a content strategist , she has a great affinity for discovering and sharing unique insights and resources with the tech community.

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