Robot Framework and Supported Libraries

Posted By : Rohitesh Rawat | 28-Feb-2018

>>>Robot Framework is an open source and DDTA(data-driven testing automation) framework for ATDD (acceptance test-driven development ).

Robot Framework facilitates simple and test automation against a variety of interfaces and features.


>>>Advantages of Robot Framework:

1- Non

-technical person who does not have experience with programming language can contribute and learn automation, also can learn python on the go.

2- Cool and easy to learn.

3- Quick and fast implementation.

4- Can Focus on functional test coverage than learning oops concepts which is very much required for selenium.

5- Complete documentation reference for.

6- Rather than selenium 2 library, it supports a variety of libraries for UI, API and networking areas automation.

>>>Robot Framework stack:

This framework is written in Python and apart from Python, it also runs on Jython or IronPython.
RF can be used with any operating System that is able to run any of these interpreters like Windows, OS X, or Linux.
But, it is advised to that RF should run on Python.


>>>Supported Libraries by RF:

1- Builtin: Provides a set of often needed generic keywords. Always automatically available without imports.

2- Dialogs: Provides means for pausing the test execution and getting input from users.

3- Remote: Special library acting as a proxy between RF and test libraries elsewhere. Actual test libraries can be running on different machines and can be implemented using any programming language supporting XML-RPC protocol.

4- Collections: Provides a set of keywords for handling Python Lists and Dictonaries.

5- String: Library for generating, modifying and verifying strings.

6- Telnet: Makes it possible to connect to Telnet servers and execute commands on the opened connections.

7- XML- Library for generating, modifying and verifying XML files.

8- DateTime: Library for Date and Time conversions.

9- Process: Library for running processes in system.

10- OS: Enables various OS  related tasks to be performed in the system where RF is running.




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About Author

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Rohitesh Rawat

Rohitesh is an expert in Agile methodologies, specializing in Scrum. He possesses a wide range of skills, including proficiency in Jira, MongoDB, planning, scoping, process creation and management, and QA. Over the years, he has led the successful delivery of several offshore projects, including Konfer, Virgin Media, HP1T, and Transleqo. Rohitesh holds certifications as a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Project Management Professional (PMP) and has a comprehensive understanding of the entire Project Life Cycle (PLC).

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