PlayFramework Application Global Settings

Posted By : Kiran Sharma | 31-Jan-2018

In playframework we need to create one Global class that will extend GlobalSettings class. The object of Global class in our project helps us in handling global settings for our application. Global class object must be defined in root package of the project. If you want to personalize package or class name you must modify key into conf/application.conf.

GlobalSettings provides a way to intercept requests and execute business logic before a request is dispatched to an action.

=>At the time of application startup and shutdown if we want to perform some operation we can override the onStart and onStop methods and we can write our task in that.

=> To intercept requests and execute business logic before a request is dispatched to an action we can override onRequest method..


=> If at the time of an exception we want to redirect on error page , then we can override onError method.


“We can handle the life cycle of our application in play framework.”


Below is the code to tell where we can put our tasks to do at the start up and end of the application and before intercepting the request if we want to handle something that also we can perform.




import play.*;

import play.mvc.*;

public class Global extends GlobalSettings {

	public void onStart(Application app) {"Application has started");


	public void onStop(Application app) {"Application shutdown...");


	public Result onError(RequestHeader request, Throwable t) {

		return internalServerError(views.html.errorPage(t));

	public Action onRequest(Request request, Method actionMethod) {

		System.out.println("before each request..." + request.toString());

		return super.onRequest(request, actionMethod);

	public Result onHandlerNotFound(RequestHeader request) {

		return Results.notFound(views.html.pageNotFound(request.uri()));

	public Result onBadRequest(RequestHeader request, String error) {

		return Results.badRequest("Don't try to hack the URI!");





Like onStart, onStop ,onError more methods are there. e.g. onHandlerNotFound,onBadRequest.

About Author

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Kiran Sharma

Kiran has good knowledge of java with Servlets, JSPs, Spring, and hibernate frameworks. She is very honest towards her work. Her hobby is listening to music.

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