PlanningEntity in OptaPlanner

Posted By : Mohit Jain | 21-Jul-2018

Here actually, we need to understand what is the actual role of PlanningEntity in terms of  OptaPlanner which seems very confusing during Domain-Modeling of Planning problem. 


We have 3 Main classes(Entity's) in optaPlanner 

1. PlanningEntity:-  Point of concern here.

2. PlanningFact:- Detailed discussion will be discussed later in other blogs.

3.)PlanningProblem(after solving also called as PlanningSolution): Detailed discussion will be discussed later in other blogs.


1.) PlanningEntity:-

This the Entity which is actually assigned across PlanningFact.

Remember:- Beacuse it is actually confusing but if you understand once you will never face problem to think.

Our PlanningEntity must always be  annotated with @PlanningEntity Annotation but it is not always true that @PlanningEntity annotated class is a always act as PlanningEntity for our PlanningProblem because it may act as PlanningFact even though it is annoted with @PlanningEntity annotation.

So, actually what makes  PlanningEntity to be acted as PlanningEntity of our PlanningProblem.


There are 3 Places(Syntax) which defines that this is actually PlanningEntity in terms of optaplanner so that optaplanner will able to treat it as planningEntity for PlanningFact's:-

1.)It must be annotated with @PlanningEntity annotation.

2.)It must be in SolverConfiguation.xml file as follows:-



</solutionClass><entityClass>Our PlanningEntity for PlanningProblem</entityClass>


3.)It must be annotated with @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty whenever, it is defined within @ProblemSolution annotated class (final step).If any of the step is missing it will not be treated as PlanningEntity by optaplanner for planning..

Note:- All 3 above steps are cumpulsory but optaplanner determines PlanningEntity actually looking inside @ProblemSolution annotated class having annotation @PlanningEntityCollectionProperty


For example 1:- In CloudBalance example by opataplanner all above steps are present

public class CloudBalance extends AbstractPersistable {

    public List<CloudProcess> getProcessList() {
        return processList;

    public void setProcessList(List<CloudProcess> processList) {
        this.processList = processList;



For example 2:- In DinnerPary example by opataplanner all above steps are present 


public class DinnerParty extends AbstractPersistable {

    public List<SeatDesignation> getSeatDesignationList() {
        return seatDesignationList;

    public void setSeatDesignationList(List<SeatDesignation> seatDesignationList) {
        this.seatDesignationList = seatDesignationList;


For example 3:- In TaskAssigning example by opataplanner all above steps are present 


public class TaskAssigningSolution extends AbstractPersistable {

    @ValueRangeProvider(id = "taskRange")
    private List<Task> taskList;



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Mohit Jain

Mohit Jain working as backend java developer having knowlege of core java,spring,hibernate.

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