Performance Testing for E Commerce Applications

Posted By : Ankita Sachan | 22-May-2018

There was always a problem faced by e-retailers that they could never depict the traffic or number of visitor they are receiving on their site on daily basis or at any point of time. This sometimes leads to website crash or any other performance issue when there is sudden traffic over the site. To get rid of these issues one can do the following remedies for improving the performance of their site.


Checking performance across geopolitics


The retailers have to get assured on their side that the performances of their site don’t lower because of the geographical locations of their customers. Complete flow needs to be tested for the adequate performance across the customer base. Testing in advance before the spike period like holiday seasons or before any grand sale opening is done to ensure good customer experience. Important things to keep in mind while testing is to test on variant browsers and devices. This will include a close working with not just the technical team but also with the marketing team to understand the promotions that will be executed.


Mobile Testing




Now-a-days all the retailers are changing their site to mobile applications too. Performance testing at mobile is too much important so that the applications doesn’t crashes at the peak load. The biggest task for mobile application is that there are so many variants available in market eg- mobile models, networks, platforms etc. That testing is much important addressing the performance.


Test all Transactions


Some transactions tend to be more network demanding than all the others. Such transactions should be tested across the browsers to ensure the optimal transaction speed. Special attention is required to each and every user's path possibly be.


Cloud-based Testing


Cloud provides high scalability and can accommodate as many as users without requiring any external hardware.  Performance testing can be made really affordable by the cloud testing and moreover, the testing from different geographical locations is also possible with minimum setup requirement

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Ankita Sachan

Ankita is a Bright QA engineer and have experience in Manual and Automation Testing. loves to Travel to different places.

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