Least affected jobs for future in the era of Cloud and Automation

Posted By : Bharat Bhushan Dhalla | 31-Dec-2018

Future jobs for future

The modes of business operations are transforming at a rapid pace. Cloud computing, machine learning, and IoT are the factors modifying how we perceive employment and jobs performed by the workforce. Per experts, upcoming technologies like IoT and AI will help in creating more than 125 M jobs in the next three to four years. Today, we will talk about the least affected jobs for the future in the era of cloud and automation.


In the last few years, many companies are integrating sensors to the machines as they are transforming as operation utilities. With these sensors, the collected data will help to get accurate resources required by the particular machine. Also, it helps the organization in forecasting when they need engineers for any maintenance purpose. With the arrival of 5G, remote connections will become more stable, secure and it will allow a number of sensors to be used.


Least Affected Jobs For The Future Are


Cybersecurity Experts

Even if there will be huge technological advancement, cyber attacks are not going to vanish. Culprits and criminals are experimenting with AI and automation in cyber attacks, this is making them more advanced. Cybersecurity experts will supervise the whole security network and will reply as per human activity responsible for that cyber attack. Their duties also consist of assuring the security of the data organization is owning.


Also Read: Upcoming Trends Of Machine Learning In Year 2019


Chief Information Officer

As we know, today data plays a crucial role in influencing businesses. Many machine learning systems have huge datasets which help in recognizing trends from the information and provide results from it. Cloud computing and IoT is making business houses to deal with data, and generally, CIOs are responsible to utilize data in the best use cases. CIOs require to thoroughly understand, the sort of data a business house is holding and how it can benefit them in the future for the betterment of the organization.


In short, the impact of the technology arrival would not be job loss, but it would be job augmentation - daily jobs might become automated. Even if machines become automatic, still humans will play a crucial role in the whole system. In IT sector, day to day responsibilities may change drastically with the arrival of the latest technology, but there will be an immense number of humans involved in the whole system, and responsibilities will going to be more crucial than ever.


About Author

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Bharat Bhushan Dhalla

Bharat is a Content Writer. He is passionate about writing and likes to write technical blogs.

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