Jmeter Report Analysis

Posted By : Ravindra Jha | 21-Apr-2014

Jmeter Listener is used to collect all responses for the performed tests that is what we are aware of it but i found Listener's related terms such as No. Of Sample,Medains etc. A cumbersome task to understand.

I m describing those terms in this blog and hopes you will benefit from that.

Sample:- The http request(url) included in test script is termed as sample. We can count it by expanding

thread group in test script.

Number Of Sample:-This term is related to Graph Result listner.It can be described as the product of number of thread and total number of successfull url(request) included in test script.


Number of sample=number of thread*number of url(request)

Sample Time:- This is the response time for request to the each page.

Latest Sample:-This is the sample time in millisecond.It is the response time for the last requested url in executing test script.

Medain:-This divides the sample in two equal halves in which half of the sample remains greater than medain and half remains less than that.This is the central value (in ms) of sample time.

Average:-As name suggest average is the usual average taken over all sample time during the test request.

Averge=sum of sample time/total number of sample.

Deviation:- Jmeter does not measure Standard deviation instead it gives Standard Population Deviation

which is calculated under the formula as follows-

where μ is mean of all sample time

x is the sample time observation

and N is number of sample

Throughput:-It is the number of request that can be made per minute.It can be calculated as-

Throughput= (number of samples/ difference between max and min) * 1000

90 % Line-It is the value below which 90% of the samples fall. The remaining samples too at least as long as the value.

About Author

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Ravindra Jha

Ravindra is a seasoned Java and Grails lead developer with excellent experience in deployment , monitoring , optimisation of web applications for scalability and performance on Amazon EC2 and other Amazon Web Services.

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