Infinte Scrolling with Scrollorama js

Posted By : Rajan Rawat | 22-Jan-2018

Scrollorama js Introduction 


It is a latest and lightweight library of javascript for webpage scrolling. I thing you have seen the infinite scrolling event on some website specially on some social networking website this will help you make your website an infinte scroll. This has mainly three features

We basically use the vanilla js so there is no need of other dependencies like jQuery or angular js. Although the scrollama js is a polyfilled without support for any browsers.


How to import the Scrolloma js just follow given code below

How to Initializing plugin follow the given code below



A simple example for this

In this example i am going to create the three blocks for scrolling

Block one

Block two



As in the above code you can see the three blocks are created so now we some put animations on these blocks using .animate method

scrollorams.animate('#title1',{ duration: 300, property:'zoom', end: 8 });
scrollorams.animate('#title2',{ duration: 600, property:'rotate', start:90,end:270 });
scrollorams.animate('#title3',{ duration: 600, property:'left', start:-800,end: 0 });

Explanantion of code

As in the above code you can see the .animate method has been used besides this i put some other effects as well in the code like duration, delay, property, start etc. These are some extra effects which makes impact double of your scrollama js.

Scrollama Effects 


By the help of this property you can change the height of an element

           scrolloramas.animate('#title',{ duration: 300, property:’height’, start: ‘100’,end: ‘500’ });     


Text Moving

By this you can move the text in any position

                scrolloramas.animate('#title',{ duration: 300, property:'left’, start:-10000,end: 0 });


About Author

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Rajan Rawat

Rajan is a UI Developer, having good knowledge of HTML, CSS and javascript. His hobbies are internet surfing and watching sports.

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