How to Integrate GitHub With JIRA

Posted By : Vishnu Gaur | 30-Apr-2018

Step 1.Create an OAuth token of your  GitHub account.

Create the OAuth token as follows:

    Log in to your Github account with admin permission.
    Select settings and go to developer settings
    Select OAuth Apps.
    Select new OAuth Apps.
    Enter the name of your application.

   Enter Jira URL as homepage url and callback url also.

    Check your Jira software url must be like this (for example, for both the Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL fields. Don't use the another URL of your Jira account like dashboard URL.

Step 2. Login your Jira account with Admin permission.

go to Settings select Applications then select DVCS accounts.

You see the two options
1. Link Bitbucket Cloud account
2. Link Github Account

We are going to GitHub integration.
Select Link Github account option.

When you select Github account, There is some fields which we should fill.

1. Host
2. Team or User account
3. Client ID
4. Client Secret

We will select Github in Host
Team or
user we will fill username or team name or organization name
We will fill client ID, secret from Github account.

We should login GitHub account That will authorize with Jira account in another tab.

After linking of your account, Jira automatically starts looking for commits that reference issue keys. synchronization of of Github commit id data will take time to reflect in Jira, In synchronization process, commits automatically reflected in issue. Admin use can enable or disable github repsoitories from syncing.

How to synchronization works with commit id.

Please follow below steps for synchronization of commits in Jira issues.

When a any developers commit anything, he should include a Jira Software issue key to the commit message, like this:

git commit -m "PROJ-123 add a README file to the project."
git push origin <branchname>

Jira uses issue key to includes the commits with an issue, so the commit can be find in the Development panel of the Jira Software issue.







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Vishnu Gaur

Vishnu Gaur Is DevOps Engineer in oodles technologies, He is a certified Engineer. His hobbies are reading Books and exploring New places

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