How WebRTC Can Help In Boosting Your Business Productivity

Posted By : Priyansha Sinha | 17-Oct-2018

How WebRTC Can Help In Boosting Your Business Productivity

Businesses are now becoming defter in adopting the new range of communication technologies for their services. And with the increasing solid footing of unified communications (UC) in the market, a handful of industries are beginning to envisage more refined use cases for inculcating such technologies at their core. Serving almost equally, WebRTC- a free & open-source project has a lot to offer.


WebRTC, or Web Real-Time Communication, is now also earning some deserved attention for a number of reasons in which it could enhance the overall business communication. Well, in that sense, some of them are even quite unique and different than what UC usually furnishes. In this article, I am going to share three vital ways how businesses are boosting their productivity and potency with WebRTC today.  


How Can WebRTC benefit your Business?


WebRTC is a very powerful, highly disruptive, and an exciting cutting-edge technology that leverages a set of plugin-free APIs and can be used in both mobile as well as the desktop browsers. It can be used for accomplishing several tasks, however, real-time peer-to-peer video and audio communications are its primary benefits. More added advantages of WebRTC are mentioned below, have a look.


An Improved Customer Service Via Contextual Communication


Have you ever been disappointed with the fact that you have to constantly repeat your consumer’s information over and over again when navigating through the customer service phone lines for any services or products that you use?


Here’s a solution for you- since WebRTC is browser-based, it offers some built-in functionalities that can assist in curbing this common and frustrating customer experience issue. With the help of contextual data sharing with the call handling service rep, WebRTC can fully erase this point of friction and enable the call to progress more effectively. The instances include applications such as- handling the user’s account info on the business’ website.


Also Read Recording Video Sessions Using WebRTC

Click-to-call For Fast Sales Consultations


When searching for anything online, you might have already witnessed click-to-call in action. Major businesses have already incorporated and configured their search advertisements and search engine results to diligently feature the contact details so that the users can easily reach out to them for a quick question on the go sans any difficulty by just using their mobile phones.


WebRTC allows this feature to function within a mobile app or a business’ website, thereby making it a lot easier for the customers to call the service representatives automatically without having to arduously dial the numbers by hand or conceivably misdialling the numbers time and again and giving up out of utter frustration.


Moreover, they can also seek the help of the same technology and initiate a video call on the wish if they desire to do so which would, therefore, result in an increased sale.


Seamless Collaboration With Business Partners


Well, I think every business professional can indubitably relate to this situation. With a rapid increase in the number of conferencing services, each one with its individual proprietary software, you are definitely going to hit this roadblock at one phase or the other.


Luckily, WebRTC does not bank on software installations since it completely depends on your web browsers. Hence, the businesses can use WebRTC in a similar manner to provide frictionless, and accessible meetings to their partners and clients with a purpose of collaborating seamlessly as per the demands.


Moreover, if you are also keen to know further about the WebRTC live streaming services or want to implement them for enhancing your business productivity, let us know. We are always there to help you.


About Author

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Priyansha Sinha

Priyansha is a Content Developer and Writer with almost 2 years of experience. Besides, she is a trained vocalist and pianist with an enormous love for photography.

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