How To Setup Microbitcoin server

Posted By : Sudhakar Pandey | 30-Apr-2018

Setup Microbitcoin server

MicroBitcoin (MBC) is a decentralized currency involving Blockchain Technology.

Coin Site:

Block Explorer:


Algorithm: Scrypt

Type : PoW/PoS

Coin name: MicroBitcoin

Coin abbreviation: MBC

Coin Supply: 25200000 MBC

Premise : 1260000 MBC

Address letter : M

RPC port : 33014

P2P port : 33013

PoS percentage : 10% per year

Block reward : 57 coins

Coinbase maturity : 20 blocks

Target spacing : 64 seconds

Target timespan : 1 block

Transaction confirmations : 6 blocks

Seednode 1 :

Seednode 2 :

Installation The installation requires at least a VPS having 2 GB OF RAM, 2 CORE CPU AND 40GB HDD with UBUNTU 16.04 installed on it.


Update your Ubuntu 16.04 machine. sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

Install the dependencies to compile from source code. sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev git libssl1.0.0-dbg libdb-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev libcrypto++-dev libgmp3-dev

Download source code from repository. git clone

Go to the src directory of your coin. cd MicroBitcoin/src

Now Run the following commands chmod +x leveldb/build_detect_platform



mkdir obj



mkdir -p obj/zerocoin

Execute the following command to compile the daemon. make -f makefile.unix RELEASE=1

Run the Coin Server using ./MicroBitcoind command You will see message to create username and password

Create a new configuration file. sudo nano /root/.MicroBitcoin/MicroBitcoin.conf

Paste the following lines in MicroBitcoin.conf file and save it.








Run the Coin Server using ./MicroBitcoind command

List of API call list can be found here : .

Microbitcoin is coin which is forked from bitcoin and then microbitcoin teams made it more robust for cryptocurrency trading. 

After setup, you can use a popular command which is also used for bitcoin in microbitcoin. If you want to see all command in listed form then you can just go through cli 

and run the command as ./microbitcoin help.

Hope this will help you.






About Author

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Sudhakar Pandey

Sudhakar pandey is java developer and passoinate about learning to new technology, He have exposure about spring, hibernate, REST services, Multithreading , JSP/ Servlet. On the database side He have exposure about MySql, Oracle, Postgres.

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