Handling Bad and Faulty Network

Posted By : Akhil Dhiman | 28-Jul-2014
While making some network calls sometimes failure of network calls occur. For that i will let you know how to handle failure network cases. Following is the method to implement network call:

Please Refer the below HTML:

 <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta name="description" content="">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0">
            Hello World!!!
        <div id="networkErrorDiv" class="networkErrorDivs" style="display:none;"></div>
        <div id="ErrorHandlingDivAjaxCall" class="networkErrorDivs" style="display:none;">Network Error. Tap Here To Retry</div>

Below is the js code to implement network call.

 var networkCallObj = {};
var timeOutNetworkCall = 30000;
var timeOutCounter = 0;
var timeOutCounterArray = [0,10000,10000,10000];

function onNetworkCall(url,data,successCallback){
    networkCallObj.url = url;
    networkCallObj.data = data;
    networkCallObj.callbackFunction = successCallback;
        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        timeout: 30000 ,
        data: data
        }).done(function( msg ) {
        }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
            var objTOPass = {

Firstly we make an network call with following method:

 var data = {username:test,password:test};

In the above example we make an call to url "www.oodles.com/demo" and pass data into it also a success call back function into it. Now network call goes through following steps.

  • Stores url,data,successcallback function into networkCallObj object.
  • Make an ajax call to the url and wait for 30 seconds as timeout is set to 30 seconds.
  • If Response comes then it will make an call to successcallback function and pass data into it.
  • else if response unable to come then it will go in failure section and there it make and object with url, successCallback, jqXHR.readyState, data, jqXHR.status.
  • Make an call to networlkFailureErrorHandling(objTOPass) and pass the object as reference to it. Below is the function defination for networlkFailureErrorHandling
 //Handle Network Failure Case
function networlkFailureErrorHandling(objTOPass){
    var objReturned = objTOPass;
    timeOutNetworkCall = timeOutCounterArray[timeOutCounter];
    if(objReturned.readyState <= 3){
    	if(timeOutCounter <= 3){
    	    $("div#networkErrorDiv").show().text("Please Wait. Retrying in"+(timeOutNetworkCall/1000)+" seconds.").fadeOut(6000);
        timeOutCounter = 0;
  • It increase the counter and if counter value <=3 then it will shows the network div at the bottom of app and there it write "Please Wait. Retrying in 10 seconds".
  • And after 10 seconds it again make an network call with same object to networkCallErrorHandling(url,successCallback,data,timeout) function. Below is the function definition of networkCallErrorHandling
 //Handle Network Failure Case Network Calls
var networkCallErrorHandling = function(url,successCallback,data,timeout){
        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        timeout: parseInt(timeout) ,
        data: data
        }).done(function( msg ) {
            timeOutCounter = 0;
        }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
            var objTOPass = {
  • If success comes then it will make successcallback function else again go to error section and this process continue.
  • This will try network call three times and if unable to get response then it will shows ErrorHandlingDivAjaxCall div which containing text "Network Error. Tap Here To Retry".
  • Now we have to write an tap event to ErrorHandlingDivAjaxCall div.

Below is the Function that call on tapping ErrorHandlingDivAjaxCall div.

    //Retry Div Event on Network Handler 

Now, On tap to this div it will again make an Network call to the url by taking parameters from networkCallObj object.




About Author

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Akhil Dhiman

Akhil is an iPhone and Android application developer with experience in PhoneGap and Swift(Native iOS). Akhil has good experience working with JavaScript, jQuery and Underscore as well.

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